Wild Berrie Terrine
Wild Berrie Terrine by Sean Neild from the FBC 366 Photo A Day group on Flickr

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

There is a lot happening this week so grab a tea or coffee and sit down and peruse the news!

Feast of Fields Winner

We're pleased to announce that Yvonne Tsui, author of th3 hungry cat, was the winner in the Feast of Fields members only contest.  Yvonne has won two VIP/Media passes to the event (a $200 value!).  We hope you have a great time Yvonne and congratulations.  We'll be in touch today.

Blurb Blogger Meet-up (VANCOUVER)

Blurb, the makers of books and ebooks, is hosting a Vancouver blogger meetup on the evening of Sept 20th at Subeez.  This meetup is all about learning new creative ideas for you to share your content and your creativity with your readers and work with Blurb's affiliate program.  All attendees will have a chance to make a free Blurb print and ebook and Blurb will be providing some unique incentives to get your program off the ground and get your blog's fans excited.  The event is free with light refreshments, wine and beer.  You'll also have the chance to check out some different Blurb books and chat with the Blurb team. The entire west coast FBC team of Melissa, Ethan and Sean all hope to make it out so why not come have a great evening and learn some new ways to spread your blog love!  Check here for more info and to RSVP.

And for those of you not in Vancouver, more stops are planned across the country - we'll keep you posted!

Healthy Eating on a Budget - New Member E-Book

FBC Member Sondi Bruner of the Copy Cat Cook has just published a new e-book, called Healthy Eating on a Budget.  Sondi is a holistic nutritionist and freelance writer and her new books shows you tips and tricks to eat healthy on a budget without sacrificing taste.

Sondi will also be speaking at the Word on The Street Festival in Vancouver on September 30th on the same topic.  You can catch her for free at the Magazine Life Tent at 3:30.  Visit here for more info - and congrats Sondi!

Italian Food Forever & Better Homes & Gardens

Deborah Mele, one of our FBC Members Abroad, and author of the blog Italian Food Forever is featured in a 5 page spread of Better Homes and Gardens newest specialty publication called Ultimate Italian.  You can have a sneak peek of the spread on her blog but to read all the text you'll need to pop out to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy.  It looks beautiful Deboarah - congratulations!

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News for Feb 9, 2015

Sweet Heat Returns

Lindsay at Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops has brought back the Sweet Heat Challenge just in time for chili season.  Check out the latest theme for challenge #8, (Fire and Ice) and get your entries in!

September Events

The events calendars are up for September.  Be sure to check them out for what's happening near you.  And a big thanks to Michelle P, Deb, Janice, Michelle L and Kathy for all their help putting them together every month.

New Members

I think this week may be the best looking crop of new blogs we've ever had - there are some absolutely beautiful ones in this group so we encourage you to check them out!  And, nearly everyone is on twitter and facebook this week so there's lots of ways to get acquainted!  And to our new members, welcome and don’t be afraid to step in and join us on Facebook and Twitter or here on the site!

And joining our Members Abroad is Toya from Breakfast in Montreal.  She's based in Quebec but spends 9 months of the year traveling around the world

As always, if you have events or news items to share, please don’t hesitate to let us know about them – we’d love to give them a shout out!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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