loaves of bread
Image courtesy of Sean Neild from the FBC 366 Photo a Day project. We'd love to see some other group members posting recent photos!

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

More Events From Blurb - CALGARY

Last week we promised you more events from Blurb as we got them and we're happy to tell you all about the Calgary event coming on September 27th at Dade Art & Deisgn Lab.  There's no charge and it's a great opportunity to come meet fellow bloggers and others who've been using Blurb and get a little inspired with what you can do with your recipes and photos with Blurb books. There'll be light refreshments on hand and members of the Blurb team.  You can register on the event page.

And don't forget, the Vancouver Blurb event is September 20th. Check here for more info and to RSVP.  We hope to have more news soon for Toronto and Montreal so stay tuned!

Member Book: The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-Free

Member Jeanine Friesen, author of the blog The Baking Beauties, has written a book! That's right, she was asked by Adams Media to write a book for their Everything series and so, she did!  The title is The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-Free and while it won't be available till December of this year (just in time for your Christmas cookbook list!), it is available for pre-order through all the usual channels.  You can read all about Jeanine's exciting endeavor in her recent blog post.  Congrats Jeanine!

Eat In Eat Out Fall Edition

The fall edition of Eat In Eat Out is released tomorrow, and word is we have quite a few members participating in this issue.  Tune in to FBC tomorrow for a preview post of all that's going to be included and links to the magazine!

RELATED:  Weekly News for August 6th, 2012

Food Bloggers of Canada 2013 Conference

We have some VERY exciting news coming your way next week, when, it just so happens to be our first birthday!! We'll have a special edition of the news to fill you in as we announce our first group of sponsors of the FBC 2013 Conference  We can't wait and we just know you're going to be excited to see all that will be happening.  And this will just be the beginning!

New Members

More great looking new blogs this week.  We keep chugging along to 700!

As always, if you have events or news items to share, please don’t hesitate to let us know about them – we’d love to give them a shout out!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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