Chef Jimmy Stewart at the Roaming Dragon Food Truck
Top Chef Canada Competitor, Jimmy Stewart by Vancouver's Roaming Dragon Food Truck as photographed by Sean Neild in the FBC 366 Photo a Day Project Group on Flickr

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

We're keeping the news short and sweet this week because it's a long weekend in many parts and because frankly, it's very hot out and I don't have AC in my office 🙂

However, we do have one important thing to pass on to all of you regarding this site.

As many of you noticed, we've been having some technical issues lately, especially this past week.  Some of them were related to a software upgrade we did for our Membership plug-in and others were related to some security issues.

Fortunately, we had terrific help from the support team at WishList Member and our security monitoring firm and we were able to deal with everything relatively quickly.

However, due to some of the security issues we've experienced, we feel it's in the best interests of the website for us to remove the forum piece for the foreseeable future. The forums are not heavily used or trafficked and we just didn't feel that they justified the time, money and effort we were spending on keeping them running.  We will look at ways to bring the forums back on-line in the future if we feel we can find a stable and secure way to do so.

We apologize for any inconvenience any of you experienced this past week and we thank you all for your patience - it's much appreciated!

We still want to encourage member discussion and interaction so please don't hesitate to join us in some of our other more social locations on the web.  Feel free to post your questions or start discussions - especially on our Facebook page!

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News For Oct 13th, 2014

New Members

Despite our issues, we still had a really great week of new members so be sure to pop by their blogs and discover somebody "new to you".  We had a great turnout from Ontario this month:

As always, if you have events or news items to share, please don’t hesitate to let us know about them – we’d love to give them a shout out!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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