"Outside My Window" by Michelle Peters Jones from the FBC 366 project

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Our members are a very busy bunch right now... lots happening so let's get you all in the loop!

Membership Directory

First, a quick housekeeping note.  Our membership has grown so large that we've had to split our Membership Directory up into separate pages for each of the regions.  While it was nice having everyone on the same page, it was just getting too long and scroll-y (the technical term) and difficult to search.  We've added the new pages to our Members menu at the top of the page just under the Membership Directory.  Hopefully this will make it easier to search and connect.

The 2012 Saveur Awards

We are so proud to have two of our members who are finalists in the 2012 Saveur Best Food Blog Awards.  Over 40,000 blogs were entered and the nominations were narrowed down to six in each of sixteen categories.

Congratulations to Jodi from Nostrovia!, who has been nominated for her post Moonshine Maker in the "Best Single Piece of Culinary Writing" Category

And congratulations to Tara from Seven Spoons for her two nominations in the "Best Cooking Blog" and "Best Food Photography" Categories.

Be sure to check out both their blogs and you can vote for both of them on Saveur's site to give them a little extra support.  Congratulations ladies!

North Shore Writers Festival

Jeannette from Everybody Likes Sandwiches will be appearing at the North Shore Writers Festival next Saturday (the 21st).  Jeannette will be on the festival's first ever blogging panel discussing trends, best practices and the future of blogging.  She'll be appearing alongside of some other very prominent west coast bloggers including Rebecca Bollwitt (Miss604) and Lyndsay Sung (Poppytalk and Coco Cake) among others.  Admission is free so if you're in the North Vancouver/West Vancouver or surrounding area you might want to check them out.

Recreating the Titanic's Last Dinner

Paula from Dragon's Kitchen took on the mammoth task of recreating the last first class dinner served on board the Titanic last Friday to mark the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking.  The Toronto Star newspaper interviewed and ran an article on Paula's undertaking last week with all the details.  If you were following the #titanicdinner hashtag on Friday, you'll have seen pictures of many of the courses already and Paula has been posting the recipes on her own blog over the past little while. Well done Paula!

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News for November 16, 2014

Pastry School Awaits

We want to wish Janice from Kitchen Heals Soul good luck as she heads out on a new adventure and career.  Janice has up and moved from Montreal to Ottawa to attend pastry school at the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu.  You can check out her latest post for peek at Janice in her new chef's whites. If the treats on your blog are anything to go by Janice, we think you'll ace it!

Eat Alberta

This weekend marks the second annual Eat Alberta conference in Edmonton.  Valerie from A Canadian Foodie is one of the main organizers of the event and we know this is a show that's near and dear to her heart with its focus on sourcing local food.  The event is a showcase for Alberta food including demonstration workshops, tastings, and presentations from leaders in the Alberta food community. The session listing is impressive and if you are in Alberta this is an event worth checking out.

New Members

Another great roundup of new members:

That's it for this week!  As always, be sure to drop us a line if you have something interesting or newsworthy to share with your fellow members!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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A Canadian Foodie

Thanks so much for the Eat Alberta shout out! It is such a stellar event – even though last year was our first – we were sold out in literally 3 hours. This year we have not sold out – but have surpassed our goal and still do have excellent classes left – as all of our classes are excellent. We have found that our participants do prefer hands on sessions to the tastings, so we will tweak this again for next year. We are just delighted to be having NAIT host this event for us and it is going to be unforgettable.

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