Cyprian Black Salt for Chaat Masala
Cyprian Black Salt for Chaat Masala: image courtesy of Michelle Peters-Jones from the FBC 366 group

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Food Revolution Day

Last week Mardi wrote about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Day on May 19th.  This is a day we are very much behind here at FBC headquarters.  We would like to publish a special events page listing as many Food Revolution Day Events across the country as possible later this week.  If you know of any events happening in your area or, if you yourself are hosting one, please forward the details to Melissa at melissa[at]foodbloggersofcanada[dot]com.  It would be really helpful if you could put FDR Event in the subject of your email as well.

Thanks everyone - we're excited to see what's happening across Canada!

New Sponsor

We're very happy to be welcoming a new sponsor to FBC starting tomorrow: Kraft Canada will be a site sponsor and will also be an Event Listing Sponsor.  We're excited to be working with Kraft and look forward to a great partnership with them!

Eat Vancouver Media Accreditation

For our West Coast bloggers, Eat Vancouver will be happening at BC Place Stadium, June 1-3 and they are accepting Media Accredidation applications.  If you would like an opportunity to cover the event as a food writer or food photographer, you can apply now for a media pass.

Richmond 365

As probably all of you already know, we had four members make the Final 12 cut for the Richmond 365 food blogger dining job.  A great big congrats to Melanie from Dulcet Devotion, Mijune from Follow Me Foodie, Ethan from Tastes Better With Friends and Kelly from The Gouda Life!  All of you would be worthy ambassadors for Richmond Tourism and we wish you all the best of luck!

RELATED:  Weekly FBC News for March 17, 2014

New Members

We are closing in on a big milestone for FBC - 500 members! We didn't think that number would happen until much later in time so as always, it's very exciting for us to share all the new members with you this week - there's some very good looking blogs out there!  Please stop by and welcome them:

That’s it for this week!  As always, be sure to drop us a line if you have something interesting or newsworthy to share with your fellow members!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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