One thing about writing the news every week is it makes me awfully aware of how quickly the weeks are actually passing!  Time is flying - and with that...

Mushroom Mania

Yes, with that, we'd like to remind you to get those mushroom recipe links posted to our forum.  The FBC/Mushroom Mania Contest closes next Monday so you still have lots of time to contribute.  The prizes are great and worth joining in.   And you'll get your recipe added to the blog along with a link back to your blog even if you don't win.

Your recipe doesn't need to be brand new - you can post an old favourite from your blog as long as it's something that works as a holiday recipe.  Appies, something with a seasonal ingredient, anything festive... you have lots of options!

A New Cookbook You Don't Need to Feel "Guilty" About

Guilty Kitchen's Holiday BitesLooking for more holiday treats this year?  One of our members and contributing writersLiz Nyland from Guilty Kitchen, has published her very first e-book cookbook: Guilty Kitchen's Holiday Bites.  If you follow Liz regularly you know that not only does she have delicious recipes but she takes some beautiful photographs. We're sure this book will be a treat for all your senses!

With old favourites like Hot Crab Dip and Cranberry Sauce and some new (to me anyway!) ones like Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Flatbread and Chocolate, Blueberry and Hazlenut Shortbread, you are sure to find some treats to try.

Congrats Liz on your first book - looks like a hit for the holidays!

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News for March 23, 2015


What Do You Want to See From FBC in 2012?

We're working on our planning for 2012 as we speak and we wanted to hear from you about what you'd like to see from FBC in 2012.  We know, we know... you want a conference!  So do we!  But aside from a conference what else would you like to see?  What kind of posts would grab your attention?  Do you want more opportunities to get your blog noticed?  More contests?  Different types of weekly features?  More forum interaction?  A monthly newsletter?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

New Members

And as usual, another great crop of new blogs joined us this week.  It's great to see us growing every week!

And our second ex-pat member:

As usual, if you have anything you'd like us to mention in the news, please send us your items.  We'll be sure to include them!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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