Homemade Traditional Indian Samosa
Traditional Homemade Indian Samosas from the Tiffin Box in the FBC flickr group

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Be Well with Canola

We're excited to share with you the winners of the Be Well with Canola contest.  The two winners were selected at random by Manitoba Canola Growers using random.org.  As different as their stories were, their passions are equally the same. The national winner is a professional Home Economist and FBC Member Mairlyn Smith from Toronto,  and the Manitoba winner is farmer Curtis McRae.  Each one wins a video prize package estimated at over $5000 giving them the opportunity to share their stories and inspire others. Meet the winners here and watch for their Be Well Stories soon!

Eat! Vancouver - Media Passes (VANCOUVER)

For any of our member in the greater Vancouver area who would like to cover Eat! Vancouver at BC Place later this month for their blogs, media credentials are available.  You will need to fill out the Media Accreditation form, available on the Eat! Vancouver website.  You'll also find information on the site if you wish to request an interview with any of the presenters or vendors.

A Canadian Food Experience

Feeling a little inspired by FBC2013, Valerie from A Canadian Foodie, is putting together a great blogging project for Canadian food bloggers called The Canadian Food Experience.  Following up on Dana McCauley's call to action to fly our Canadian flag, Valerie is starting a project to get fellow food bloggers to post about a unique Canadian experience on the 7th of each month.  If you think you might want to participate, be sure to check out Valerie's project!

RELATED:  The FBC Weekly News For April 20th, 2015

New Members

Please give a warm welcome to all our new members this week.  We are just shy of 1000 and we expect to hit that milestone next week.  Please be sure to tune in then because we have a little bit of a celebration planned for all of you.  There might even be a few goodies!

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your submissions directly to Melissa.

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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A Canadian Foodie

Thank you so much, FBC! The Canadian Food Experience Project was announced last Wednesday and we already have 21 participants from Coast to Coast! I am thrilled. This is such an important undertaking for me, and I am so delighted that so many have jumped in right away. The level of enthusiasm and support has been overwhelming, and as we continue to collect a varied and responsive group of people writing about a specific, personal, and different Canadian Food Experience each month, the project will take on a life of its own.
I am glowing!
Hugs to all.

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