Peanut Butter Pi(e)
How did you celebrate Pi(e) Day? A piece of this peanut butter pie from Candy at Desserts by Candy looks like a pretty good way! Found in the FBC Food Photography Flickr Group

Happy St. Paddy's day all!  A very good excuse to add green things to your diet.  Need some inspiration?  Check out our members pinterest board of green food (we won't tell anyone if you choose the green doughnuts over something healthier!)

New FBC Group Pinterest Board - Tasty Turkey

Speaking of Pinterest, if you love turkey, we've just started our second group board on Pinterest in conjunction with FBC2014 Gold Sponsor, Tasty Turkey!  If you'd like an invite to pin just leave a comment on this Pin It Thursday post and we'll get you set up right away!

We'll be adding more group boards over the coming months so keep your eyes open and be sure to check out our original group board - FBC Member Posts.  All FBC members are welcome to join this board and pin their blog posts.

Easter & Passover Recipe Roundup

We're gearing up for our next recipe roundup - Easter & Passover.  We're teaming up with  for this roundup to try and get everyone who participates a little more traffic.  We think it will be fun!  For all the details hop over to our Easter & Passover Call For Submissions.

Other FBC Site News

If you missed the debut of our new spice primer column, The Spice Box,  by Michelle Peters-Jones be sure to take a look as Michelle introduces us to Cardamom this month.  Let us know what you think.  Got a spice you want to learn more about?  Let us know in the comments.  Michelle is already at work on her next post for us!

Restaurant Roundup will be back this week with a feature on Edmonton from Little Miss Andrea.  This will be Andrea's first time writing for FBC and we're excited to welcome her to the Restaurant Roundup Crew.  We'll also be visiting Calgary this mornth as we make our way through Alberta.  And, we've also got some new faces joining us in the Prairies in April with Renee at Sweet Sugarbean taking us around Saskatoon and Nicole at Culinary Cool showing us Regina!

Another Tea Giveaway!

Last week we had two members doing two giveaways on their blog.  If you missed them, we've got one more happening with Jason at Shut Up and Eat Montreal. The great people over at Davids Teas are launching a new spring collection line of teas to scare away the winter blues and cold weather. To share in the excitement of the fresh launch, Jason will be which is inspired by exotic fruits, ocean breezes and sunny picnics.

RELATED:  Weekly News for December 30th, 2013

Food Map T-Shirts

FBC Member Jodi at has started a new project for food and art lovers: a t-shirt with a one-of-a-kind hand-drawn map of the many incredible meals to be found in Vietnam. From tiny street stalls to bustling markets, these dishes and drinks are part of what makes exploring Vietnam so exciting. Jodi and artist Ella of teamed up to create these fun t-shirts based on Jodi's eating adventures and hope that more countries will follow.  You can purchase your very own over on teespring.

New Members

A warm welcome to our newest group of FBC Members.  We're happy to have you join us!

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always,

Melissa and Ethan

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