Pecan Cranberry Coffee Cake from Life Through The Kitchen Window as seen in the FBC Food Photo Group

We're going to hop right to it this week with the news:

Cooking With Coconut Oil Cookbook Giveaway

If you  missed it, we're giving a way a copy of Guilty Kitchen's first cookbook, Cooking With Coconut Oil and you can enter to win this week.  We'll be announcing the winner in next week's news.  And, stay tuned, we have another cookbook giveaway coming your way this Friday!

31 Day Blog Challenge

Our 31 Day Blog Challenge has been getting lots of interaction from all of you, which makes us happy!  It's been great fun to get a chance to look at some of the little, but so effective, changes you've all been making.  We've still got lots more to come - we're only on Day 13 today.  But coming up will be more tips on networking, photography and blog tech so stay tuned!

Some Voting Love For Your Fellow FBCers

As we're sure many of you have noticed, Thai Kitchen has launched a campaign to find their next blogger ambassador.  Seven Canadian bloggers, including Shut Up And Eat Montreal and FoodiePrints from our Restaurant Roundup Crew, are competing for the opportunity and six of those seven are FBC members! So if you would like to give your fellow FBCers a little voter support over the campaign, be sure to check out their recipes and vote for your favourites.

New Members

A big welcome to all our new members this week - welcome aboard!

RELATED:  The Weekly News: November 7th

Canadians Abroad

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always,

Melissa and Ethan

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