Chinese Simmered Star Anise Pork
Chinese Simmered Star Anise Pork from What Food I Made as seen in the FBC Flickr Group - share your photos in the group to see them here!

The countdown to Christmas and New Years is ON.  We have so much happening on the site over the next few weeks that you'll want to make sure you stop by regularly to see what we've got happening.

FBC Holiday Gift GuideHoliday Gift Guide & Giveaway

Our annual holiday gift guide is up and crammed full of gifts that are sure to delight food bloggers and food lovers everywhere.  Adding to that, we have a giveaway on the gift guide of four beautiful cookbooks up for grabs.  You'll want to check it out and enter to win.

Canadian Food Bloggers Winning Awards

We had quite a few FBC Members gathering up awards the past few weeks.  Congratulations to everyone who took home some virtual hardware!

Canadian Weblog Awards

In it's 4th year, the Canadian Weblog Awards went out to:

Made In Blog Awards

Made In Blog are the newest group to join blog award scene and the following FBC Members were winners:

KitchenAid Cook For The Cure Mixer Winner

Congratulations to Nimu Ganguli for winning our KitchenAid Cook for the Cure Raspberry Ice Stand Mixer.   Any FBC member who managed to raise more than $250 for Cook for the Cure was entered into the draw.  Nimu and his wife raised $14,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and got to take part in the Culinary Showdown as part of Team Vikram Vij!

Thanks to all our members who participated the Cook For the Cure Fundraiser - we hope to see you all again next year!

Paid Writing Opportunity - Scout Magazine (VANCOUVER)

Scout Magazine has two job openings in the food and drink writing field:

Wine & Spirits Columnist: covering the local Vancouver wine and spirits scene twice a week.

Food Photographer & Writer: covering some of Vancouver's hidden hole in the wall gems twice a week.

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News For September 8th, 2014

For all the details and information on how to apply you can check out Scout's job posting.

14 Ways to Make Money From Your Food Blog | www.foodbloggersofcanada.comWinner of Will Write For Food

We had a great post with tips from Dianne Jacob on earning money from your blog recently.  Included was the chance to win an autographed copy of Dianne's bible for food writing, Will Write For Food.  And our winner is Danielle at Poor & Gluten Free.  Congrats Danielle, Melissa will be in touch for your mailing details soon.


Sneak Peek of What's Coming This Week

Busy week ahead on FBC with lots for you to check out:

  • Tuesday part 1 of our Holiday roundup
  • Wednesday part 2 of our guide to pricing your freelance recipe/writing/photography skills
  • Thursday part 2 of our Holiday roundup
  • Thursday Pin It Thursday: Candy!
  • Friday Our featured member blog
  • Saturday we kick off our 11 day series of the top ten posts on FBC for 2013 that will take us through to the end of the year.  Any guesses as to what they might be?

New Members

A big welcome to all our new members over the last two weeks.  Welcome aboard!

Business Members

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always,

Melissa and Ethan

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