Last month, we asked you all to send in your holiday kitchen wishlist items to contribute to our 1st Annual Holiday Gift Guide (which will be published next week!) and you didn't disappoint.  We got some great suggestions and we can't wait to share them with all of you.

As a little added incentive to get you to help us out with suggestions, our generous friends at Trudeau Canada offered up some great prizes for three random entries.  We considered putting numbers in a hat and having Melissa's trusty dog Sam pull them out. But, he tends to eat paper so we had to come up with a better idea.  So, we numbered your emails and then headed over to and generated 3 different numbers in prize order, 1 through 3.  So without further ado, here they are!

Prize 1:

Trudeau Professional pepper mill

The Trudeau Pepper Mill: Amy from Family Feedbag
Very coincidentally, Amy wanted a pepper mill for Christmas.  We swear this was a totally random selection but it looks like the fates were shining on you this week Amy!

Prize 2

Trudeau Aerator Trudeau Wine Charms Bottle Cap Catcher

The Trudeau Beverage Pack: Calantha from Piecurious

Prize 3

The Trudeau Cheese Pack: Genevieve from Vanilla & Spice

Congratulations to all three of you!  Ethan will be contacting you all directly about your prizes in the next few days.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun and helped us out.  We enjoyed reading all your suggestions!

And of course a very big thanks to Trudeau Canada for providing some lovely and generous items for our giveaway.  Thanks for helping us have a little fun this holiday season!

RELATED:  The FBC Mother's Day Gift Guide (and Giveaway)

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday (Dec 14th) to see all the great gift ideas we have collected!


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Congratulations Amy, Calantha and Genevieve! We’ll send your goodies shortly!

Melanie Lavigueur – Community Manager @TrudeauKitchen

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