Hi all,

First of all, we hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, full of food, loved ones and some gorgeous autumn foliage.  And... turkey sandwiches!! Loaded with cranberry sauce and mayo! (Melissa is writing the news this week and she has a slight obsession with leftover turkey sandwiches...)

We have an abbreviated version of the news this week due to the holiday weekend.

Oxfam and The World Food Challenge

Oxfam World Food ChallengeAs we posted earlier last week, Oxfam Canada is running a challenge open to all Canadian food bloggers to help celebrate and bring awareness to GROW week, Oct. 15-22.  The idea is to enjoy a meal that involves local to you, or fair trade ingredients during GROW week and then blog about it.

If you missed the details, you can get caught up with our Oxfam Canada post.


Blog Challenges

If you enjoy participating in blog challenges, be sure to keep an eye on the Blog Challenges forum - there are a couple of great ones happening there right now, outside of the Oxfam challenge.

To Buzz or Not to Buzz

Foodbuzz is a hot topic of discussion with Canadian food bloggers and we know a lot of our members participate in their Featured Publisher program.  Some of our members who are looking for ad networks would love to hear about your opinions and experiences with the program if you're involved.  If you have something to contribute, join the Foodbuzz discussion.

Along those same lines, we have a couple of other topics in the forums on advertising and dealing with social media that you might find interesting.  Be sure to check them out.

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News for April 21st, 2014


Yes! They're coming.  They're finished and we want to run a tutorial post with them to show you how to add them to your sidebar widgets!  We were hoping to have the post up for Tuesday but some unexpected technical issues (my poor iMac baby died!) are slowing that down. But we haven't forgotten them.

New Members

We've added a whole stream of new members this past week, including our first member from New Brunswick!  Everyone has been added to the Member Directory so be sure to give it a browse from time to time.  Lost of Ontario members were added this week.

Until next week then,

Mardi, Ethan and Melissa


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One Comment


So happy that the membership continues to grow. You are all doing a super job with this site and all your hard work and efforts are appreciated by everyone I’m sure. Looking forward to the badge’s big debut. It certainly will be going in my sidebar!

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