brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Good morning everybody.  Back to the regular Monday grind for most of us this week I think!  It's a pretty quiet week around these parts but we do have a few things for you all.

FBC Project 366 on Flickr

As we mentioned last week, a group of our members have started the New Year with a Photo Project 366 (it's a leap year this year!).  They've been posting their photos on our Flickr FBC Project Page - check them out, there's some great photos!

It's not too late to join - you can start the project whenever you like!  The more the merrier 🙂

Food Events

The food event pages for January are all up and thanks again not just to our regular members who help us out every month gathering all the events, but also to the emails we've had this month from other members suggesting new events for us.  We really appreciate it.

Remember, if you know of an event in your community or if you are teaching a class and would like it listed, please, let us know!  We'd love to get it up for you.

Upcoming Events

We have a new contest that we'll be announcing next week - it's different from anything we've done before and has the potential to be a lot of fun for everyone.  And, it does not require you to create a recipe so this is a great one for all our food photographers, beer and wine bloggers and restaurant reviewers to get involved with.

Hint: start thinking of all your Canadianisms!

RELATED:  The Weekly News - January 23rd

New Members

Another big batch of new members!

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