light falling through a book's pages
day 13 | books by Elaina Samardzija

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

January is almost finished! (yay!) All I can say about January is... hmmm... it was a typical west coast January.  Grey and rainy.  I'm hoping that Groundhog sees his shadow this week!

FBC 366 Flickr Group

That lovely picture you see at the top of this week's news is by Elaina Samardzija from Flavour: Food & Wine.  She's one of our members who is participating in the FBC 366 Photo a Day Project.  We're going to be featuring a photo from the group every week in the news.  Remember, it's not too late to join in the fun - there's some great photos coming out of the project.

New Forum For Blog Contests & Giveaways

We've created a new forum for you to post any blog contests or giveaways that you may be hosting.  Many of you were posting your contests/giveaways on our Facebook page and while you are welcome to do that, only about half of our members have joined us on Facebook.  By posting in the forum, you'll give everyone the ability to see your contests!  Just ensure that your contest is open to Canadian residents (silly to mention, but you never know!)

Eat In Eat Out Spring Edition

Once last reminder that you have until tonight to get your details in to Lori at Eat In Eat Out Magazine if you'd like to be considered as a featured blogger in their Spring issue.  You can see all the details in the Eat In Eat Out Spring Issue Forum Post.  They will be picking the winners on January 31st.

RELATED:  FBC Weekly News for September 23, 2013

FBC Slogan Contest

And a final reminder for our own FBC Slogan Contest.  The deadline for your entries is tomorrow at midnight Pacific time.  We'll be announcing the winners in next weeks' Weekly News.  You can find all the details in the January 16th issue of the Weekly News.  Get your creative juices running and enter!

New Members

Another great crop of new members joined us this week!

That's it for this week! As always...

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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One Comment

Elaina @ Flavour

Thank you so much for the mention in the news with my photo! And so happy to see Red Deer Foodie in the new members…she’s my fellow cookie swapper from The Great Food Bloggers Cookie Swap!

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