brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Happy New Year everyone!  We hope it brings all of you lots of good and exciting things over the next 12 months.

Ethan, Mardi and myself had a rare opportunity to spend some time together in person over the last week which resulted in a mammoth 6 hour planning session, accompanied by a lot of tea and some sushi (we needed our strength!)

We are very excited to tell you all that we have lots of things coming your way over the next year and you will even notice a few changes today.

First of all, we're thrilled to have Mushrooms Canada back on board as a partner this year - they gave us so much support last year before we had even proven ourselves and we're really looking forward to working with them through 2012.

We're also very excited to be starting a new partnership with Jane's Family Foods in 2012 - they will be the new sponsor of The Weekly News for the coming year!  We'll be working with them on a few other things as well as 2012 gets further underway.

Project 366 for Food Bloggers

Last night on twitter, a few of our members started kicking around the idea of a Project 366 for FBC members.  Several of them are already starting their own 366 Photo a Day projects and wanted a friendly place to share their photos.  Mardi, who is starting her third 365 project, has put together a flickr group for anyone who wants to participate.

The rules are simple:

  1. You need to take a photo a day for 365/6 consecutive days (no, you didn't need to start Jan 1st)
  2. The photos don't need to be about food
  3. You need to be an FBC member
  4. You need to submit your photos to the FBC flickr group
RELATED:  Weekly News for Sept 17 - Anniversary Edition!

We'll see how it goes and perhaps we'll post a selection of photos here in the news each week!

Call For Submissions

We are looking for people to contribute articles over the next year for Food Blogging 101 or more advanced posts.  Do you have an idea for something that could be useful to your fellow foodbloggers?  We'd love to hear about it.

Keep in mind the following before you submit your idea - we are looking for articles or posts that have some instructional value and can help readers grow their blogs.  Posts that offer up 3 or 4 solid tips that members can take away and implement on their own have proven to be very popular with our readers.  Your idea does not have to appeal to every member - our members blogs cover a wide range of food topics.  Not everyone is a baker or a restaurant reviewer or a photographer so if you are a niche blogger, don't be afraid to bring us your idea - we'd love to hear it!

New Members

We're happy to see more new members again this week - we're closing in on 300!  Please welcome all these great new blogs!

As always, have a great week!

Melissa, Ethan and Mardi

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While I appreciate you are looking for articles or posts that have some instructional value etc… it would also be valuable to me, as a reader, learn more about Canadian Heritage Foods from different parts of the country. So, if a blogger could submit a story about a heritage recipe from his region with the recipe, that would be cool… and I am also particularly interested, as a Canadian, in the food and recipes of our first nations people. Just some food for thought. If they are out there reading, it might be cool to have recipes shared…
I am thinking of a story my mother shared with me… only when I decided to ask – why is the angel food cake such a traditional cake within our family? I learned that in the early 1900’s – and many many years before, it was always made for special occasions…. but, she was able to pull out a photo of my grandmother’s 50th anniversary when an angel food cake was made and baked in a huge dishpan. It stands on a little stool in the photo. I would love to read other authentic heritage and settlement stories like this. As our culinary culture is so varied and somewhat undetermined, it would be gratifying and reaffirming to hear the stories that are out there in one place, like this. Just an idea. 🙂 V
Great post!

Dana McCauley

A bit late to the party here, but I did want to say that Janes is thrilled to be involved with this great group! We’re excited to learn about new blogs we don’t know and to keep abreast of everyone’s news. Happy New Year!


Some great ideas here for FBC 🙂 I agree with ACandaianFoodie about inviting members to post recipes that reflect our Canadian Heritage, including the First Nations. It would be so interesting and I don’t believe there are any websites out there as we speak where you can find this type of information all in one place.

I’ve joined the FBC Flickr group (I’m aready a Pro member there) and look forward to finding out more about our fellow members via their images and words!

Thanks again,

~ marie, the EpicureanPiranha

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