brought to you by Janes Family Foods

Good morning everyone - happy Monday to you all... let's get into the news this week!

Number 300!

As you hopefully heard, we hit a big milestone this week - our 300th member (number 300 was our featured blog last week, Rosie from Sweeapolita!  We are actually at 309 as I write this.  We're thrilled - you are all such a great group and have really pitched in to make this a community.  We're going to do our best to keep bringing you informative posts, opportunities and fun!

Slogan Contest

Don't forget to get your entries in for our FBC slogan contest.  We have had a great response so far and we're looking forward to seeing more.  For more information, you can check out last week's news.

Guest Posting Opportunity

For any of you who would like to try your hand at writing a guest post, Marie from Celebration Generation is looking for some bloggers to fill some spots on her blog.  If you're interested, she's posted in the forum and you see all the details and get in touch with her via email (listed in the posts).  Great opportunity to write for some new people!

Eat In Eat Out Magazine

Just a reminder that Eat in Eat Out Magazine is looking for bloggers to feature in their upcoming Spring issue.  The deadline to submit your name is January 31st so be sure to check out Lori's post in the forum for all the details.

Flickr 366

And... one more reminder!  A group of our members have embarked on a 366 photo a day project this year.  They have a pretty active little group over on flickr but they're happy to have new people join the group.  You don't need to have started on January 1st.  The great part about a 365 project is you can start it any day you like!  The photos do not have to be food related.  So if you're up for a challenge and some fun, check them out.  I can say from experience, it will dramatically improve your photography!

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News For August 11th, 2014

New Members

And as mentioned earlier, our member count keeps climbing! 309 and counting.  Here are all the new faces this week - be sure to check them out!

That's it for this week - we'll be back next Monday!

Melissa, Mardi & Ethan



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