Pasta With Spicy Meat Sauce
Pasta with Spicy Meat Sauce from Jennifer Molnar in the FBC 366 Picture a Day Project on Flickr

brought to you by Janes Family Foods

It's the last day of 2012 and looking back, as one always does, it's full of mixed emotions, as it always is.  FBC has come a long way - much faster than we expected it to.  We celebrated our 800th member this week.  800.  An appropriate number to end the year with.

2013 has been in our thoughts for months.  We have a conference coming up and we're nervous and excited - excited to meet so many of you, excited to work with all the amazing speakers and sponsors we have on deck (we'll be announcing more speakers in early January!).  We are plotting and scheming new ways to make FBC as relevant to all of you as possible with more value, more opportunities and more community.  And as always, we want your feedback.

Jane's Family Foods

A big thanks to Janes Family Foods for sponsoring the Weekly News this year.  They have been one of our biggest supporters since day 1 and we cannot even begin to tell you what a pleasure they are to work with.  We're excited to welcome them back for 2013!!

New Members

Here’s our latest batch of members, including #800.  Welcome to all of you!

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Fridays at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your submissions directly to Melissa.

RELATED:  The Weekly News - February 6th

Have a happy and safe New Year's Eve and may 2013 bring all of us happiness, health and exciting new challenges!

As always,

Melissa, Mardi and Ethan

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