pink post it notes clothespinned to a line spelling out newsWow, this is our last Weekly News of 2011!  I could say all the usual things like, where does the time go??

But really, what Ethan, Mardi and myself would really  like to say is,

Thank you all so much for making our first three and a half months so successful - far more so than we ever dreamed.  You have turned out to be exactly what we envisioned when we first started planning this back in April: a supportive and friendly community of Canadian food bloggers.

We greatly appreciate all of you who have taken the time to help us get this off the ground - our contributing writers, our volunteers who gather all the food events happening across the country, those of you who have participated and helped out your fellow food bloggers in the forums, the businesses who have been so supportive of us as we find our footing... all of you!

We are now sitting at 274 members as I write this. 274 food bloggers from BC to Newfoundland!!  We know there are more of you out there and our goal for 2012 is to get our first members from the Northern territories and P.E.I.

We have so many ideas and plans and this week, the three of us will be sitting down together, face to face in Vancouver, for the first time since last May!  We'll be plotting out our next steps to make this an even better community and bring you more great articles and opportunities to grow your blogs and get to know your fellow FBC members.

RELATED:  The Weekly New: March 12

In a bid to say goodbye to 2011, Ethan will be recapping all the informative posts we've had written for us this year on Wednesday, and Mardi will be doing the second half of our Friday Featured Blogger reacp on Friday.

But, from all of us, we wish all of you a happy, healthy 2012, full of love and, of course, food!

Happy New Year!!

New Members

This week, each of our new members came from a different province, which was great to see! It's always great to see we're reaching far west to far east.  So welcome to our new members from Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec and BC!

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What a great start to a fantastic group!

Looking forward to learning more from everyone across Canada in 2012!

And have dreams of our very first Food Bloggers of Canada convention someday. I plan on starting my FBCC savings account this week!

Have a wonderful New Years everyone!

Stay inspired!

Juliet O'Neil

Congrats on your successful launch in 2011 and thank you so much for partnering in Oxfam Canada’s World Food Challenge ! We were thrilled to have such a lively and lovely contribution to our efforts to spread the word about the importance of being aware of where food comes from and why some people don’t have enough. See you on World Food Day 2012 if not before. Happy New Year!!

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