Good morning everyone and Happy Halloween!  And with that, October is over.  Time to head into November, which here on the West Coast means a lot of... rain.

Wherever you are this week, here's a recap of what's happening in the Canadian Food Blogging world:

November Event Listings

The November event listings are up but we're still looking for any events you may know of in your area.  If you have something, please forward it on to us.  We'd love to get it listed.  This is a busy time of year and we know that there's lots happening out there and we know that  lot of you love to get out and attend as many food/beverage related events as possible.

Blog Services Inc.

Janice from Kitchen Heals Soul is looking for any information any of you might have on Blog Services Inc, over in the forums.  If you've had any experience with this service or know of anyone who has, we're sure a lot of your fellow bloggers would be curious to know a little more about them.  Let us know if you think this is a valuable resource or not.

HostelBookers 5 Ingredient Recipe Deadline Extended

For those of you who wanted to participate in HostelBookers Backpackers Recipe Guide but didn't have the time to get a recipe together, the deadline for submissions has been extended to November 2oth.  Now Halloween is (almost) over, this gives you a little extra time to put together your best, easiest, hostel kitchen friendly recipe.

New Members

We were a little quieter on the new member sign up this week but that doesn't mean we didn't get some fantastic blogs joining us.  Be sure to check out:

RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News For Oct 6th, 2014

Dragon's Kitchen
The Community Foodist
The Pedestrian Cooks

Short and sweet this week! We're working on lots of things in the background for the next couple of months so stay tuned!


Ethan, Mardi and Melissa


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