FBC Weekly News November 16, 2014
Gingerbread Lattes from Angie at Friday Night is Cake Night as seen in our FBC Food Photography Group on Flickr

This week sort of feels like the kickoff to the holiday season - which means it's full steam ahead between now and the new year with baking, cooking, entertaining, festive parties, Christmas markets, twinkly lights, hot chocolate, outdoor skating and lots more.  We can't wait to see what you're all up to this holiday season and we'll be following along with all of you on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Are You Part of Our Flickr Food Photography Group?

We're always looking for photos to head off the weekly news and now, our weekly weekend links post.  We choose most of our photos from our FBC Flickr Food Photography group where FBC Members post their great food photos each week.  If you're a member but haven't posted for a while, pop on by and if you're new around these parts, we hope you'll check it out and join the group.  Who knows... we might just feature your photo like we did with Angie's gingerbread latte this week!

December Instagram Challenge

Everyone had so much fun last year with our December Instagram challenge that we're bringing it back this year! 31 days of photo prompts to help you capture the best of the season.  We'll be posting up the prompt list during the last week of November so you can all join in.  And don't forget - if you hashtag your photos #FBCigers you might find your photo popping up in our IG stream!


Speaking of Instagram... don't forget - there's just under two weeks left to tag your food photos on Instagram with #KitchenAid4Cure.  For every photo tagged until November 29th, KitchenAid Canada will donate $1 to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  We all takes loads of photos of our food so why not add a quick hashtag for a good cause.  There's lots more details right here and Melissa and Ethan will be hitting Toronto at the end of the month to take part in the Cook For the Cure festivities at the AllStream Centre.

Toronto FBC Meetup

Aren't we neatly dovetailing everything this morning?  Yes, Melissa and Ethan will be in Toronto at the end of the month and we're planning an FBC Meetup on November 28th in the Distillery District for the opening of the Christmas Market!  All the details are in our FBC Facebook forum page.  If you're not already a member, we chat about all things blogging over there and it's a great place to ask questions.  Hop on over and either RVSP or join in on some great conversations!  We've also got a great linkups/giveaways/social media forum where you can share your giveaway and linkup posts or join in on our social media share threads - a great way to meet new bloggers and get some social media love for your latest posts!

RELATED:  Weekly News for Sept 17 - Anniversary Edition!

Montreal FBC Meetup

We'll also be hitting up Montreal for a few days at the beginning of December and we'd love to get meet up with some of our Montreal members on December 1st.  We're still trying to get a sense of how many people would be interested before we set a location so head on over to the FBC Facebook Forum for the details and to let us know if you'll be joining us!

New Members

We are always thrilled to welcome new Canadian food bloggers to our community.  So a big welcome to all of you who came on board over the last two weeks - you all pushed us over the 1600 member mark!

Members Abroad

Business Members

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always, Ethan & Melissa

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