Roasted Red Pepper Soup - The Tiffin Box
Roasted Red Pepper Soup from The Tiffin Box, as seen in the FBC Flickr Group

We have lots to cover this week so let's get on with the show!


If you missed it, we made a major sponsor announcement regarding FBC2014 in Vancouver this fall.  We are very excited to welcome Dairy Farmers of Canada as our first Platinum Sponsor and Turkey Farmers of Canada as a Gold Sponsor.  We've got lots of fun things happening with both of these sponsors leading up to October.

And be sure to stay tuned in this week as we will be making another major announcement regarding ticket sales and speakers.

Canadian Copyright Law Giveaway

Thanks to Wiley Publishing and Lesley Ellen Harris, we had three copies of the 4th edition of Canadian Copyright Laws to give away.  Next to "how much should I charge for my work?" the next biggest batch of questions we get are around copyright law for photographs.  If you didn't win a copy of this book, you may want to purchase a copy - it's an excellent resource!

And the winners are...

  • Steph
  • Ian Treuer
  • Lilliana

Melissa will be in touch with all of you shortly for your mailing details! Congrats.  And be sure to check out both of Lesley's posts for FBC and copyright matters: Protecting Your Photograph's Copyright and Who Owns My Blog and Blog Posts?

The Canadian Food Experience Project

Valerie at A Canadian Foodie and her Canadian Food Experience Project crew are still going strong with their year of monthly Canadian food themes.  Round 9 covered My Canadian Love Affair and it is another excellent roundup of posts from across the country.  We know you'll want to check out this round of the Canadian Food Experience Project!

Blog Awards Season - Get Your Vote On

It's that time of year when blog award nominations and voting are in full swing.  We have a few shoutouts to send to some FBC Members.  If you're a fan of any of these blogs, you'll want to head on over to vote for your favourites!  If you're up for an award and we've missed you, be sure to drop us a note so we can give you a little plug in the news (contact link at the bottom of the post)

RELATED:  Weekly News for July 15, 2013

The Salty's

The Salty's are St. John's social media awards.  FBC's Hungry Janey is up for an award in The Coolest Blog category.  Voting goes until Feb 25th.  To give Janey a hand head on over and Vote Now.

The Homies

Our members have had a lot of success at the annual Homies, put on by The Kitchn and this year is no different with three FBC Members making it to the final round of voting.  You can cast your vote until Feb 26th.

In the Best Blog From Award Category:

In the Health & Diet Category

New Members

A big welcome to all our new members this week.  Quite the contingent from Ontario this week.  Regardless of geography, we're happy to have all of you join us!

Business Members

And remember, if you have anything you’d like to share with your fellow members in the news, please let us know about it.  To have your submission appear in a Monday news post, the deadline is Friday at 5pm Pacific time.  You can send your 3-4 sentence submissions directly to Melissa and include any relevant links.

As always,

Melissa and Ethan

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