FBC Weekly Meal Plan - with Hun What's For Dinner? | Food Bloggers of Canada

Every week we’ll be inviting an FBC member to put together a menu plan based on recipes from their blog.  A week’s worth of dinners from Sunday to Saturday.  We’ll include a printable shopping list so you can get everything you need and be ready to cook and you’ll get introduced to some new recipes and meet some great new blogs!

We’re kicking it off this week with Cindy from Hun...What's For Dinner?  Take it away Cindy:

I started meal planning years ago, when I became tired of standing in front of the fridge, with the door open, trying to figure out what to make for dinner. Though meal planning has fallen to the way side, as of late, I have noticed an increase in our grocery bill and extra trips to the store for forgotten ingredients. Having a meal plan is a great way to keep your grocery budget down and to limit last minute runs to the store.

When I do meal plan, I plan for 1 meatless meal, one day for leftovers and try to let my children choose dinner for 1 day a week. They love helping choose and it makes them feel like their voices are being heard.

FBC Weekly Menu Plan from Hun What's For Dinner? | www.foodbloggersofcanada.com
Tuesday's Maple BBQ Lime Ribs

Sunday - Grilled Maple Dijon Pork Tenderloin serve with sweet potato hash

MondayGrilled Family Favourite Chicken serve with sautéed broccoli and mushrooms (use leftover chicken for taquitos on Wed)

TuesdayCrock Pot Maple BBQ Lime Pork ribs and Spinach Tomato Mozzarella Salad with Balsamic Drizzle

FBC Weekly Menu Plan from Hun What's For Dinner? | www.foodbloggersofcanada.com
Wednesday's Chicken Taquitos

Wednesday - Chicken Taquitos (using leftover chicken from Monday), serve with veggies and dip

Thursday - Free for all (we tackle the leftovers that are in the fridge)

RELATED:  FBC Weekly Menu Plan With Trying To Be a Lady

Friday - Homemade grilled pizza with Mediterranean Salad

Saturday - Vegetable Ratatouille serve with Naan bread

FBC Weekly Menu Plan from Hun What's For Dinner? | www.foodbloggersofcanada.com
Spinach Tomato Mozzarella Salad

Menu Plan Shopping List

Don’t forget to grab your downloadable shopping list (FBC Meal Plan - Hun What's For Dinner) that includes all your pantry staples as well as fresh foods and the more unique ingredients!

Blogger Bio: Cindy is a stay at home mom to two and is married to a Chef. When she realized she would have to start cooking regularly, her love for cooking blossomed. Today Cindy is in charge of cooking 98% of the meals in her household. Her blog, Hun... What's for Dinner?, focuses on delicious simple recipes, that even a Chef would love.

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