Welcome to our monthly feature The PR Desk! Written by PR professional Heather Travis, it guides food bloggers on the ins and outs of navigating the world of PR agencies and brands. This month, Heather encourages food bloggers to rise to the challenge of being true to their brand and building community in uncertain times.

The PR Desk: Your Blog's Brand in Uncertain Times | Food Bloggers of Canada

As we move into the second month of 2017, leaving the craziness of 2016 behind only to discover more, you must focus your priorities and think strategically about what this means for your blog, your business, and your brand moving forward.

These are uncertain times with no clear resolution, yes. However, when it comes to your brand here is my challenge to you:  How will you use your platform to raise the bar, elevate the conversation, bring joy, and build community?

As the author of your brand story, you must think about your reactions and determine if your brand’s platform is the right place. Your brand can and will evolve, I’ve said this before. Yet in particularly uncertain times, it's easy to stray from the path we’ve laid out for ourselves. Rants are easy, getting your foot out of your mouth not so much.

We can't control the events around us; we can only control our reactions. Will they be emotional and stretch the boundaries you’ve laid out for your brand? Or will they be thoughtful and deliberate? We’ve talked about setting boundaries, and I encourage you in this environment to check back in with yours to ensure you're staying true to the vision you've set out for yourself, for your brand.

Your brand is a platform which presents you with a unique opportunity. And while many of us have a love/hate relationship with the term "influencer," you can't deny the influence your voice carries. It doesn’t matter the size or scale of that influence; as a brand voice contributing to the world’s food conversation you have a unique opportunity.

RELATED:  PR Desk: A Guide to the Essentials of a Good Pitch

Food builds community. 

With every challenge, every failure, every shocking event comes an opportunity for the rest of us to be more, to do more. How will your brand rise to the challenge the uncertainty brings?

More Reading

Heather Travis is a PR professional and lover of all things creative. She has extensive experience developing and implementing integrated public relations and marketing programs for agricultural brands, producers and processors, as well as high end sporting goods. She’s a DIY junkie with a mean power tool addiction, and can often be found painting, refinishing, and scouring both junk yards and antique markets for her next fix … err, piece of content for her blog heatherinheels.com. Find Heather on Twitter @heathertravis and Instagram @heathertravis.

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