This is the kick off  to our annual January Blog Challenge: 31 Days To Clean Up Your Blog. What better time than January to sit down and review your blog? Over the 31 days we'll be sharing 31 tips, ideas, and strategies for you to deal with all those pesky maintenance tasks, take steps to grow in the new year and make blogging easier. This is Day 6.

31 Day Blog Challenge Day 6: Make Your Social Media Profiles Consistent

Yesterday we talked about updating your social media links on your blog.  In that same vein, Day 6 is a great time to create consistent social media profiles wherever you are on the web.

Here are a few steps to follow to make sure all your profiles are consistent:

  • use the same profile picture on all your accounts: pinterest, facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.  It makes it much easier for people to recognize you and know they have the right person
  • make sure you've filled in the profile information on all your accounts - it's amazing how many people don't do this!
  • update your profile information on all of them - they don't all have to be exactly alike but we do recommend the key points are the same
  • make sure you link to your blog on all your profiles!
  • if you're going to use your real name on  your accounts, make sure you keep it consistent.  Don't use your married name on one but your maiden name on another.  If you're Jen on one, be Jen on all of them.  Not Jennifer, Jenny and Jen!
  • If you're on YouTube pay special attention to your profile - this gets left blank on so many YouTube accounts.
  • Don't forget LinkedIn - this is a platform that is often overlooked by food bloggers (or badly misused). If you need help using with LinkedIn this article on 3 Ways Bloggers Can Maximize LinkedIn will be helpful.
RELATED:  The 31 Day Blog Challenge Day 7: Clean Up Your Sidebar

Take it Further:

You can get quite creative with your social media profiles but, it seems like they're always changing the image sizes and shapes you can use.  This handy guide will help you make sure you have the right social media image sizes for all platforms.

You can also add links to different tools on your Facebook page - including Pinterest and even your email newsletter signup.

Don't forget to check how your profiles look on both desktop and mobile.

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31 Day Blog Challenge

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