Sweet Dreams Cookie Contest

Picture it...the hungriest, most insatiable Food Bloggers/Tweeters/Instagrammers the world has ever witnessed walk into their room at the Four Seasons Vancouver Hotel and there it is. Sitting majestically on their pillow at the Food Bloggers of Canada 2014 conference is the Crosby's Sweet Dream molasses cookie.

But it's not just any cookie. It's your cookie. The cookie YOU created. The cookie that will bring a smile to some of the best food bloggers in Canada will be because of you. Let's not forget all the speakers and sponsors of FBC2014 who will also be eating your cookie. It's not really a big deal, it just happens to be people that are leaders and innovators in the food industry eating a cookie that you developed.

Last year, at FBC2013, Crosby's surprised everyone with a gift on their bed in the form of a soft and chewy molasses cookie. The cookie was a classic molasses cookie from their own recipe collection.

This year, the stakes have been significantly raised. Crosby's is calling for your best molasses cookie recipe. And yes, the winning cookie will be baked by Crosby's themselves with full recognition going right to the winner AND be this years FBC2014 Crosby's Sweet Dream Cookie.

In addition to everyone at FBC2014 actually tasting your baking prowess, the winning cookie will also receive the following.

  • Featured as the cover cookie in the Crosby's 2014 Back-to-School eBook
  • $200 cash for first place
  • Two (2) runner-ups to each receive $100 cash and their entries included in Crosby’s Back-
    to-School eBook
RELATED:  The Weekly FBC News For August 11th, 2014

Attending FBC2014 is not a requirement for entering the contest, but imagine the high-fives from everyone you'll receive if you win. Twitter is good for a lot of things, a high-five isn't one of them!

The contest runs from April 1 to April 30. The criteria, judging details and submission information can be found on the Crosby's site.

Get baking those Sweet Dream Cookies and good luck!

Sweet Dreams Cookie Contest Poster

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