Tweeting throughout the conference. Copyright: b.a.d. photography
Tweeting throughout the conference. Copyright: b.a.d. photography

It's just over two weeks to go before FBC2013 - Canada's first national conference dedicated to food blogging. We're busy putting the finishing touches on the conference to make the weekend a truly memorable experience for all attendees so today, we thought we'd put YOU to work!

You may be preparing to attend FBC2013 as well. Or another food blogging conference (for a comprehensive list, check out Jenn Oliver's Food, Writing and Photography Conferences and Workshops page).  Maybe it's your first time attending or perhaps you're a seasoned food blogging conference attendee.  So, how does one prepare for a blogging conference?

Marie Asselin, of Food Nouveau, wrote a couple of articles for the site last year (on preparing to attend a food blogging conference and five tips for successfully attending a conference), when FBC2013 was but the dream of many a Canadian food blogger! Well  now it's a fast-approaching reality, so we thought we'd draw your attention to some of Marie's tips again.

If you've not read Marie's articles, you should definitely check them out but some of her key recommendations are:

1. Before the conference, get acquainted online!

So, so important to connect with people before the conference starts - you'll be surprised once you're at a conference how sometimes you simply run out of time to connect with everyone (though for FBC2013, we think the small size of the conference will hopefully mean you will all connect with each other at some point!) so make sure you follow you fellow attendees on Twitter (here's the FBC2013 Twitter attendee list), read some new-to-you attendee blogs, join our FBC2013 Facebook Group just for attendees or, simply follow the hashtag (so, #FBC2013).

2. Be prepared to introduce yourself, IRL.

Business cards are always a great way to break the ice and you'll find yourself handing out and collecting a large number of cards over the course of a conference - make sure you are prepared! For FBC2013 attendees, Silver Sponsor is providing each FBC2013 attendee with a free set of either 50 business cards or 100 mini cards to be delivered directly to Hockley Valley Resort! The deadline to design and order them is April 3, 2013, so don't miss out on this great offer! Check your email - we sent reminder details yesterday!

RELATED:  18 Ways To Make Money Food Blogging

3. Know before you go!

Before you attend any conference, it's a great idea to learn as much as you can about the conference activities, sessions and speakers as you can. This will help you feel a little less lost and also help you prepare questions you might like to ask certain speakers or in certain sessions. Check out the sponsors - there might be a particular brand you'd like to connect with.  For FBC2013, you might like to check out:

FBC2013 Sponsors
FBC2013 Speakers
FBC2013 Sessions
FBC2013 Conference Schedule

Over to you...

Have you ever attended a food blogging conference? What are YOUR top tips?

If you're a conference newbie, what would you like to know?

Leave your ideas in the comments below!


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