Name: Priya McHugh

Blog name: Little Kitchen Big World

Where were you born? in Newcastle, New Brunswick

Where are you living now? Hamilton, ON

Why did you start your blog?

I love talking about food, thinking about food and, obviously, EATING food.  Blogging was a way to do just that!

How did you decide on your blog name?

We had just bought our first house and the kitchen barely fit more than 1 person at a time.  My husband and I love to travel so a lot of the flavours I use in my recipes are coming from the different countries we’ve travelled to so the name just made sense!

What do you blog about?

Food that I’m obsessed with and flavours that are inspired by the countries we travel to.

Is your blog your business, your hobby or something in between?

In between! I’m currently trying to build my blog while balancing my day job as well.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?


Featured Foodie: Little Kitchen. Big World

Oh man, that’s a hard one! It would have to be my post on Spanish burgers because it reminds me of time travelling in Spain and I love incorporating flavours from around the world into my blog.  It’s a burger and Spanish tapas wrapped up in one delicious recipe! Yay!

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

Featured Foodie: Little Kitchen. Big World

It would be between by recipe for fried chicken with mango habanero hot sauce because it’s fried chicken!!

Featured Foodie: Little Kitchen. Big World

And my cocktail for a Blood Orange and Basil Bourbon Smash because it’s not as sweet as you would think and I just love using blood oranges in my cocktails - it’s so colourful and looks so pretty!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

Featured Foodie: Little Kitchen. Big World

This one for Garlic Butter Italian Sausage Sandwiches.   It went viral on Pinterest and I was so surprised.  It felt like such a simple recipe but maybe that’s why it became so popular! It’s a spicy, messy, cheesy sandwich that has been getting a lot of love lately.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

Time!  I work 50+ hours a week so I try to cook and photograph on the weekends and write my posts in between.  It hasn’t been easy, and most of my photo editing/writing ends up being late into the night but it feels so good when you press that “post” button!

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

Be genuine.  I’m learning to be honest in my blog posts - I want to share more of who I am, instead of just how delicious the recipe is.

Also, social media is my biggest source of traffic.  My husband always reminds me that it’s important to be active on it and I know he’s right (even though i’ll forcefully deny it if he brings it up).  It’s a challenge to find time to be on every single platform, so I’ve learned to pick 2 or 3 platforms and do it well.  I’m still learning…

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Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

  1. because she has amazing food photography and interesting recipes that you’d never find anywhere else.
  2. because she is an amazing person and I’ve learned SO MUCH from her.  Also, her Instastory reviews are my favourite!! (check out FBC's recent profile on The Hungry Gnome)

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

Other than my mom’s samosas!?!?  A big bowl of slurpy noodles.  It can be a big plate of spaghetti carbonara or a soupy bowl of ramen - that noodle slurp is the most satisfying bite you could ever take!

What are you working on next for your blog?

Paella! I’m trying to perfect my favourite recipe.  I love a good seafood paella and the crispy bits at the bottom are my favourite, so maybe the recipe is good enough for the blog but it’s my excuse to eat more of it!

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

  1. I’m such a nerd.  I love reading textbooks and journal articles.
  2. I’m a real social introvert if I’m not with my close circle of people.
  3. My favourite thing at the moment is sitting on the porch with my husband with a cigar and a scotch = summer bliss!

What makes your blog unique?

I think it’s based on what influences me.  Travelling has been a big part of my food blog, it’s been my source of inspiration and I try to incorporate those flavours in my recipes.

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

Absolutely “Blogger Resources - food photography”.  Food photography is my favourite part of blogging and the resources on FBC site really helped get me started and I’ve learned some great tips from those articles!

Follow Priya and Little Kitchen Big World on social media

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