Friday Featured Blogger RecapIt's the second part of our roundup of Friday Featured Blogs from 2011 (if you missed the first part, you can read all about it here).

We couldn't not feature Valerie from A Canadian Foodie - a food educator, advocate, writer, editor and cook. Valerie is a believer in family and community, two concepts she believes go hand-in-hand. Hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Valerie cooks up traditional Canadian Prairie Cuisine.

We were thrilled to feature Suzie the Foodie - a veritable blogging machine currently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Not only does she post nearly daily (and sometimes twice in one day!) but she blogs about a variety of food-related topics – from recipe, product  and restaurant reviews to fabulous original recipes.

Speaking of machines, Stella from Food Junkie Chronicles from Toronto, Ontario.  A “Food Junkie” indeed (200 and counting Dining Out links!), Stella manages to eat her way around Canada and the world (she's currently in Hong Kong tempting us daily with her tweeted pics of the food she's enjoying there!) and write about her adventures as well as photograph them. She's a force to be reckoned with!

Scott from What's for Lunch BC? writes a west coast restaurant review blog.  A self-proclaimed blue collar kinda guy, Scott’s blog, like its name suggests, is full of reviews for Metro Vancouver lunch spots, both downtown and throughout the lower mainland.  From food trucks, to burger joints, to  quirky neighbourhood gems, he’s not afraid to call it like he eats it either!

Lynn and Janice from Kitchen Heals Soul and I'll Have what She's Having
hail from Montreal, Quebec and were a natural choice - I mean what family has not one but TWO food bloggers?  Cooks, bakers, story tellers and photographers, Janice and Lynn are two of the sweetest ladies you'll meet in the food blog world.   You'll definitely want to be following Janice in 2012 because she's just been accepted into the Cordon Bleu program in Ottawa - go Janice!

RELATED:  The FBC Weekly News For June 15th, 2015

Featured Blogs for Food Bloggers of Canada What she's having and Kitchen Heals Soul Elaina, from Flavour Food and Wine's blog draws you in with her beautiful photography, then you stay for her stories.  Hailing from Winnipeg, Elaina is a designer by trade and a photographer by passion and her "real life" job is designing wine cellars. Elaina, we all want your life 🙂

Featured Blogs are our regular Friday feature. If you know someone you would like to see featured, please contact us.


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One Comment

A Canadian Foodie

Thank you, again, for the honour of including me amongst such incredible Canadian food bloggers. The recaps are MOST fun! If I missed one, I catch it here – you are all doing such important work with this site. I have met so many people and learned so much through your connections – I really appreciate it!
Another heads up – and no need to mention my name – Jennifer Cockrall-King’s book is being released in February. She lives in Edmonton and the Okanagan and blogs at (I have written a little about her book in yesterdays post on my site)
She would be an excellent contribution to this site interview wise!

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