Deviled eggs are a perfect appetizer, they're a hit on a brunch table and they make a delicious snack. This year for World Egg Day we're celebrating with a twist on the classic deviled eggs recipe by making these tempting French Dressing Deviled Eggs!

A plate of French dressing deviled eggs

This recipe is sponsored by Egg Farmers of Canada. Visit them at

When you think of the reasons why so many food blogs have begun over the years, one of the most popular is to preserve and share family recipes along with the stories that accompany them.

And today that story is about a recipe for French dressing that my grandmother adored, shared with others and was a mainstay in the fridge and on the table, especially for Sunday brunch.

World Egg Day

It’s that brunch connection paired with the fact that today is World Egg Day (October 9) that I thought the French dressing would make a perfect foundation for devilled eggs! (you can check out our contribution to previous year World Egg Days: Soy Sauce Eggs or Shoyu Tamago and Toad In The Hole Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

We're lucky in Canada to have 1,100 egg farmers across all provinces and the Northwest Territories that provide us fresh, nutritious, local and high-quality eggs. And not only that, they donate millions of eggs each year to food banks across Canada so as many people as possible can enjoy eggs.

The backstory for this recipe is that this recipe was found in my grandmother’s recipe book which is the classic hodge podge assortment of handwritten recipes, recipes typed out via a typewriter(!) and recipes cut out from magazines with her comments/notes in the margins to improve them!

And years ago, lonnnnnnngggggg before blogging or the internet, I set out to duplicate her original cookbook in scrapbook form for my sister so there would be two copies.

I scanned all the recipes, printed them out, cut them and after a visit to the scrapbooking section of Michaels, went to work on putting them together in a book. What you see below is the typed-out recipe and notes belonging to my grandmother for this recipe. Imagine, a recipe from a typewriter that also includes a mention of a telephone, those were the days…

Celebrate Canadian Eggs and Canadian Egg Farmers

I suppose it's the weird times we're in right now that lead me back to thinking about this recipe and longing for something familiar and comforting. I hadn't thought of it in quite some time and it has been years since I had the dressing but as soon as I took a little taste after mixing it together, it brought me back to a Sunday brunch in Montreal circa 1980's. So, with that, I present to your French Dressing Deviled Eggs in honour of World Egg Day and sharing memories.

RELATED:  Eggs Aren't Just For Breakfast: 15 Egg Dishes You Can Eat All Day

Considering that we enjoy eggs pretty much every single day, it's fitting that there is a World Egg Day to acknowledge the egg farmers that make that happen! We're proud to join Egg Farmers of Canada to celebrate the heroes and champions in our food industry from the farmers, chefs, transport drivers, grocers and everyone else who makes it easy and tasty to enjoy Canadian eggs!

So join us in celebrating those working together to keep Canadians fed by watching (and sharing) this video featuring Chef Lynn Crawford and Canadian egg farmers who share their gratitude on World Egg Day. How will you be enjoying your eggs on#WorldEggDay? Share with us on social media!

French Dressing Deviled Eggs
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Appetizer
Serves: 6 servings
For the Piquant French Dressing (Makes 1 Cup)
  • 1 small onion - grated
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 teaspoon celery seed
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 4 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
For The Deviled Eggs
  • 6 Hardboiled Eggs
For The French Dressing
  1. In a medium sized bowl, combine all spices along with the sugar
  2. Add and whisk in the vinegar
  3. Add and slowly whisk in the oil (it will thicken up as you whisk it)
  4. Add the onion and mix
  5. Enjoy immediately or refrigerate for later
For The Deviled Eggs
  1. Cut 6 hardboiled eggs in lengthwise in half.
  2. Scoop out the yolks into a medium size bowl and set the hollowed white parts on a plate.
  3. Add ¼ cup of French Dressing to the yolks and mash together to combine.
  4. Spoon the French dressing egg yolk mixture to the hollowed out portion of the egg.
  5. Sprinkle with paprika.
  6. Enjoy immediately or cover and refrigerate.

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a platter of French Dressing Deviled Eggs


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