On the first and third Monday of every month on her YouTube channel,  food trends expert Dana McCauley gives us the lowdown on the trends that are happening in the food world.  Stop by FBC on following Tuesdays for a little extra insight from Dana on how you as a food blogger can use this information in your work!  During the summer months we'll be updating once a month!

Food Trends TV: Food Sustainability | Food Bloggers of Canada

When I filmed the two videos below, I noted a small but growing momentum in insect protein; products were in development and a burgeoning interest in such products was springing amongst both consumers looking to eat more sustainably as well as those who thought eating bugs would make them look cool! Likewise, I was hearing about an inclination Canadian businesses had in reducing food waste here in Canada and about actual programs happening abroad.

In the short time that has elapsed since these videos debuted, the insect protein and anti-food waste trends have grown much more quickly than I had anticipated (see our most recent FBC One Curious Ingredient column on eating crickets!). The momentum is at a corporate level in some cases, but really ramping up among food entrepreneurs who see commercial and social opportunity in abundance. Every day at Food Starter I’m seeing proof of these trends in the business plans that come across my desk and that means that we could be on a tipping point with these trends! Get the background you need to on these trends with these Food Trends TV videos.

The Inside Scoop On Eating Insects

Gourmet Garbage

Dana McCauley is a seasoned marketing executive with extensive experience in all facets of the food business and a track record of taking ideas from concept to kitchen to commercialization. Dana is also the Executive Director of Food Starter, a food business incubator that helps entrepreneurs bring new food products to market.  Dana is also a recovering cookbook author, blogger and food trend correspondent for morning shows such as Breakfast Television and Canada AM. Follow @DanaMccauley on Twitter for daily insights about her dog and for breaking news about what she’s making for dinner.

RELATED:  Food Trends TV: The GMO Boondoggle
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Raj @ www.ThePrimalDesire.com

I actually quite enjoyed eating the fried crickets in Thailand and would choose them over chips here.

I also wanted to mention that my roommate has two composted, one powered by worms and the other by beetles. From the composted material she has a rooftop garden. Super easy setup and the BEST tomatoes ever!


I’ve eaten both crickets and mealworms in different preparations – in pasta sauce, ice cream, dehydrated & sprinkled with spices, in protein bars – and while I don’t think it will be a main source of protein for me right now I think it’s a good option. On their own, I prefer mealworms but in any of these preparations above I could not taste the bugs. I say give it a try before deciding!

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