Featured Member: Constellation Inspiration

Name: Amy Ho

Blog Name: Constellation Inspiration

Where were you born? Vancouver, BC

Where are you living now? Vancouver, BC

Why did you start your blog?

I used to have a DIY blog! On my DIY blog I posted photo-heavy tutorials on how to create jewelry pieces and repurpose old clothing items into brand new pieces. My DIY blog slowly transitioned into a DIY and baking blog…which then transitioned into a baking blog. I decided to make that transition because I loved being able to share all the baked creations with others, versus when I made a necklace, only one person would get to enjoy that piece of jewelry. I wanted to make everyone happy with cake.

How did you decide on your blog name?

I love anything related to stars and galaxies…so that was the inspiration for my blog name. I have yet to make a constellation inspired cake though! It is definitely on the list.

What do you blog about?

I blog about cakes, cookies, and pies! I would consider my blog a journal about all things sweet. I also try to incorporate as many floral elements to my baking/photography as well. I have a full time job outside of blogging so anything and everything you see on the blog is a good documentation of how I spend my weekends.

Is your blog your business, your hobby or something in between?

I would say it is a mixture of both. I blog because it is my hobby and I love that it never feels like work. From time to time I do get the opportunity to collaborate with brands that I love, so that is definitely a bonus.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?

Featured Member: Constellation Inspiration

This blog post about my Coconut Cake with Coconut Miso buttercream best encapsulates me because it includes all my favourite things – cake (lots of it), flowers (lots and lots of it), and collaborating with other bloggers (hi Kelsey!). I worked on this styled shoot with my really good friend Kelsey from The Farmer’s Daughter. We decided to make two cakes each and put them together in one big spread. We shared both cake and giggles throughout the entire morning (and afternoon) that we spent shooting. We must have spent at least a couple of hours taking photos in my dining room and I would not have it any other way.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

Featured Member: Constellation Inspiration

I had so much fun creating this hot chocolate and speculoos cookie box for the winter holidays! I made and shot the content with the intention of posting it before the winter holidays so people can make these cookies and gift them to friends. I got caught up with other blog content and celebrating the holidays with friends and family so my cookies got a bit backlogged. Maybe this post will do well the next holiday season!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

Featured Member: Constellation Inspiration

This lemon cream tart! This lemon cream tart is always my go-to when I have to bring a dessert to a potluck or a celebration. I made this tart for the blog after I had the lemon tart at Tartine in San Francisco. I did not expect this tart to get reposted so many times because it is so simple in nature.

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

To not compare myself to other bloggers. There are so many talented bloggers out there – I find inspiration on every blog I read. For me, there is a fine line between admiring the work of someone else and becoming caught up in comparing myself to him or her. Are my photos are beautiful as theirs? Are my flavour combinations as creative? Why do they have this many more followers than I do? Those thoughts can be very discouraging. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I do what I do because I love it and that I did not start blogging to “compete” with others. I have many wonderful blogger friends and they help remind me that blogging is a community and we are all here to encourage and support each other.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

That it is more than okay to take a break and to take some time for you! It can be quite difficult to keep on coming up with new and exciting ideas for the blog/social media; running into a creative block is natural. I had a very difficult time learning that. For a while I kept baking and taking photos because I felt like I “had” to create blog content. Because of that, for a short period of time I did not really like any of the content I produced and you could definitely tell by my writing and the way I edited the photos. Recently I took a two-month break and now I am more than excited to get back into the swing of things.

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Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

Butter and Brioche; Thalia’s recipes and photography are not the only things that draw me to her blog. Her writing is extremely poetic in nature and every piece she posts reads like an artwork. I always read each blog post at least two or three times before scrolling down for the full recipe.

The Farmer’s Daughter; Even though I know I would never survive living on a farm, Kelsey makes me curious about what it is like to grow your own apples and then turn them into apple pie when harvest season comes along. Her recipes are always rustic, beautiful, and seasonally inspired.

La Pêche Fraîche; Rachel’s photography and writing are both extremely elegant. She has a mature voice and her style is so timeless.

Style Sweet Ca; Tessa always has the most thorough and helpful tutorials – whether it is a cupcake with buttercream piped like a rose or a watercolour frosting technique I want to try out, Tessa’s blog posts always make the learning a new technique much easier.

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

I like really simple things! I slice of avocado toast brings me immense joy. I like to spend most of my time in Vancouver at this cute little corner store/cafe called Le Marché St. George. I like going to Le Marché really early in the morning and starting my day there. They serve crêpes on mismatched antique plates and coffee in latte bowls while playing Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday records – it is like a dream.

What are you working on next for your blog?

I am currently working on a few assignments for Food Network Canada and in between those assignments I am recipe testing and playing around with seasonal produce for pies and compotes for cakes! Rhubarb has been on my mind and I really want to make a lattice pie top with strips of rhubarb! This past weekend I baked up some mini cherry galettes (served with ice cream, of course) so hopefully you will see those making an appearance on the blog soon.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

A lot of people think that I have been baking for a long time. I only started baking and my blog about two years ago. I got my first camera around a year and a half ago. Before that, I was completing my Master’s degree in psychology and my life was 24/7 academia. My papers have been published in academic journals and encyclopedias! I do miss academia from time to time and you will catch me reading a psychology paper in my free time.

What makes your blog unique?

People who read my blog tell me that my blog stands out because I include myself in the majority of my photos. I love showing the cake layering and decorating process through photos so naturally you will see me in the background of those images. My tripod and my camera’s self-timer are my best friends. A little extra luck is needed when I am trying to capture “action shots” of icing sugar falling from my sifter!

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

The blogger resources! Even though it is not part of the official site, I also love being part of the FBC Facebook group. It is so easy to start a dialogue on whatever blogging topic/issue and everyone in the group is so helpful.

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