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Name: Alana Fiks

Blog name and URL: The Food www.thefood-online.com

Where were you born? Winnipeg

Where are you living now? Winnipeg

When did you start your blog?  Just celebrated my third blogiversary, on May 19th!

How did you decide on your blog name? I like simplicity, and naming the blog after the subject of the blog just seemed like the right fit

What do you blog about? FOOD! Mostly recipes other bloggers have posted, or recipes I have created.   Currently, I’ve challenged myself to post a recipe from one of my large collection of cookbooks each week in 2013. I try to keep all posts related to food, but sometimes general happenings of my life slip in. I always say that I may not be the best cook, but I am an excellent recipe selector, and man can I curate a menu!

What post are you most proud of and why? A post called “home is where the food is” is the post I am most proud of, as it outlines the history of my love affair with food.  I find myself sometimes going to find that post just to reminisce about those tastes!

Post I'm most proud of

Which post do you wish received more love and why? If I’m being a bit vain for a moment, I wish the post about two of my recipes being featured on food52.com got more love, but in terms of recipe posts – my Greek turkey burgers are so so good, and are definitely worthy of more love!post which i wish received more love

Which post’s success surprised you and why? This post about “baked tilapia with sautéed kale and onions” is still by far the most popular post on the site, and still gets the most readers per week!

Post whose success surprised me

It’s such a blah post, but I think the recipe speaks to a lot of people’s desire to eat more fish and more kale!  It’s such a winner of a recipe, but neither the post, nor the photos are worthy of its popularity!

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?  Typical blogger answer is my camera (Canon Rebel t3i). Typical techie answer is my iPad and laptop.

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What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without? I cannot choose one!  Stainless measuring spoons & cups, food processor, kitchen scale, le Creuset dutch ovens, and my dishwasher!

Favourite food, care to share a recipe?  My three favourite foods are total junk…but also make me totally happy!
Greasy, sloppy cheeseburgers, hand-cut French fries and good quality ice cream!

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?
I’m totally a lazy photographer and blogger, but love doing it which is why I continue,  I can tie a maraschino cherry stem into a knot with my tongue (and it’s not even remotely sexy…),  I judge restaurants by the conditions of their bathrooms, and I should seriously enter ice-cream eating contests because myself and everyone I know are convinced I am the fastest ice cream eater in the world!  Also, My food related pet peeves are the sound of people swallowing drinks, people who salt or pepper food without tasting it first, people who lie at restaurants and say they have an allergy when really they just don’t like something, and people who are rude to serving staff (and bad tippers!)

What makes your blog unique?  Once again, not to sound totally vain – but what makes my blog unique is me!  The blog is really a personal food journal, and is really a window into the cooking and eating adventures of my life.

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