Name: Marian Poirier

Blog name and URL: Sweetopia

Where were you born? Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Where are you living now? Coldwater, Ontario, Canada

Why did you start your blog? Sweetopia and blogging came about in February 2009 because of my older brother. He noticed that whenever I made sweets for family and friends, there would inevitably be some people who would want me to show them how to make the various sweets. Since I didn’t have the time everyone individually, he suggested I start a blog showing how I made them there.

How did you decide on your blog name? I knew I wanted to focus mainly on making sweets, but originally also wanted to incorporate my love for clothes, cute things, home décor etc., so essentially picked the name Sweetopia because it was my utopia of everything I love.

What do you blog about? I originally planned to blog about more than making sweets, like my love for fashion and home décor etc., and although I still mention those here and there, Sweetopia has emerged into mainly tutorials on making decorated cookies, cupcakes, gingerbread houses and other sweets.

What post are you most proud of and why? Honestly, that’s tough to answer. I think I’m glad I got over my fear of doing video posts (although I’m definitely not proud of all of them, lol), and hope to do more in the future. If I had to pick, my favorite video to date is probably the one with the Parisian themed cookies.

Which post do you wish received more love and why? Probably my current post, the ‘Yeti’ Gingerbread Illustrated (& Animated) Recipe. I posted it during the holiday period and perhaps not as many people were on line, but I love how my web designer animated my recipe.

Which post’s success surprised you and why? I like the elephant cookies I made in this post, but it surprises me that it has over 358K+ pins in comparison to other cookies on the blog.

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What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without? My iPhone.

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without? My rolling pin. I once lent it to my neighbor, and when I needed it, she wasn’t home, so I had to make do with what I had in my house… All I could find that could potentially roll dough out was a bottle of Dubonnet, and let’s just say the cookies didn’t turn out as flat or even as they usually do.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe? The list is long, but I do love Mango Salad. The recipe is in this really old post. (Please feel free to skip the intro., lol).

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?  Hmm, although I have a major weakness for sweets, specifically chocolate, I also really make an effort to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle. Some days are better than others, but I try to go for a walk or run almost every day. What else… I have an adorable step-daughter named Hannah, a Lionhead rabbit named Lionel whom I adore, and I love spending time with my husband, who is always able to make me laugh.

What makes your blog unique? That it’s very pink? 😉 I think the fact that it mainly centers around baking and decorating cookies, cupcakes and gingerbread houses, makes it somewhat of a niche food blog.

Facebook: Sweetopia

Twitter: Sweetopia

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