Spber Julie

Name: Julie Elsdon-Height

Blog name and URL: Sober Julie www.soberjulie.com

Where were you born? Brampton, Ontario

Where are you living now? The small town of Orangeville, Ontario

Why did you start your blog? I began my blog to become a keeper of memories. I was within my first year of sobriety and had been involved in a car accident which left me with a brain injury. One of the effects the brain injury has is a compromised memory. After realizing I couldn’t remember memories over the preceeding 6 months I decided to become a blogger to protect that fleeting treasure chest of memories.

How did you decide on your blog name? I was newly sober and a friend jokingly referred to me as Sober Julie and it seemed appropriate for one location where I intended to share the joys of living a sober life.

What do you blog about? Well I bring all of my life to the blog, the good, the challenges, the recipes, the inspiration. My main topics lately are food, drinks, health, faith and products I’ve reviewed.

What post are you most proud of and why? What a difficult question! I think one of my favorites is Alcohol Substitution Chart for Cooking.  This was a labor of love, creating the chart took me quite a while and we had to sample more than a few recipes to ensure it was accurate. I’m grateful to my fellow foodies, my cousin who happens to be a chef and friends for helping me with this one.


Which post do you wish received more love and why? Other than my personal posts I would love for folks to check out my Apple Pomegranate Soda. Simply because it’s amazing! This is by far my current favourite beverage.


Which post’s success surprised you and why? Google Couldn’t Teach Me To Be a Christian Mother.  I was amazed at the number of emails I received from people thanking me for being so open about my worries/thoughts. Again and again I’m struck that the more open I am about my weakness the more people I see a response from.

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What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without? My iPhone...hands down. I blog from it, interact and rely upon it for the calander.

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without? My KitchenAid hand mixer, from Mocktails to foods it’s my go-to choice.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe? Oh I have many and most seem to involve cheese...lately it’s been my Stuffed Mushrooms which you can see here

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? Well, I’m quite straight forward and easy to understand. What you see is what you get with me. I spent far too many years hiding behind a bottle of booze and now I strive to be open and find the joys in each day. I’m truly grateful for the life I have, being a wife and mother bring me such happiness.

What makes your blog unique? Sober Julie is written from the heart, you’ll find inspiration, truth and hopefully something to come back for. There aren’t many recovering alcoholics who are writing about the fullness of life after recovery, but I’m so glad I am.

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