Name: Pepy Nasution

Blog name: Indonesia Eats

Where were you born? I was born in Probolinggo, a small city on the north coast of East Java, Indonesia.

Where are you living now?  I’m living in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Why did you start your blog? I started my blog to an archive of Indonesian food that has many varieties depend on the ethnic groups and regions.

How did you decide on your blog name? I chose the name Indonesia Eats not Indonesian Eats because Indonesian represents 1 person while Indonesia represents the nation more which explains that this blog is more about the variety of Indonesian Food.

What do you blog about? I blog more about Indonesian culture through food but I also love to try many different foods from other Southeast Asian and Mediterranean countries.

What post are you most proud of and why? Beef Rendang Recipe post.  To make a good authentic rendang is not easy especially I live outside Indonesia and have a limitation on ingredients. But I nailed it! I grew my own turmeric to get the fresh turmeric leaves. I browsed around the substitution for asam kandis that has a closer taste.  And I figured out that Kokkam/gorakka is a family of asam kandis which is used by South Indian and Sri Lankan and I’m able to get it at one of Indian/Caribbean stores in Winnipeg. Both Asam Kandis and Kokkam are a family of mangosteen.

Which post do you wish received more love and why? Sate Klopo (Coconut Beef Satay) because this sate isn’t very popular among non Indonesian.

Which post’s success surprised you and why? I would say the post about my feature on Jelita, Malaysian magazine surprised me as I had never been contacted by the magazine and I learned about this news through my friendship with a Malaysian blogger.

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What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without? iPhone

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without? Indonesian Mortar and pestle

Favourite food, care to share a recipe? Since I’m a foodie it’s hard to decide what is my fave.  I love everything about fish/seafood, Sate (Indonesian word for grilled meat on skewers) and Sambals.   This time I would like to share my old time favourite, Sate Ayam (Chicken Sate with Peanut Sauce).

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?  I love spicy food but I can’t stand with the hot weather anymore since I moved to Canada.  I moved to Winnipeg because I’m married to Winnipeger.  Currently I’m addicted to pinterest.

What makes your blog unique? I feel because I blog about traditional food from a place that is not many Indonesian live.

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Thank you so much for the rendang recipe, by far my favourite Indonesian dish!!!! I hate to hear people say they didn’t rate the food in Indonesia. I simply reply, ‘Well, what did you eat?’

I miss the food from Indo so much. I only wish I could find some tempe. I CRAVE tempe penyet!

Great post. Cheers!

Pepy | Indonesia Eats

In Winnipeg, some natural health product stores sell tempe also one Asian store got it from Toronto. However it still tastes different. A friend of mine here is successfully making tempe. I asked her to make for me since I don’t have enough space to ferment it.

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