
Name: Georgina Carr

Blog name and URL: Gorging George http://gorginggeorge.com

Where were you born? Alberta

Where are you living now? Yellowknife, NT

Why did you start your blog? I am obsessed with food and eating; and thoroughly enjoy cooking new dishes so we can eat new things all the time. I love making food for my family and friends, and over the years I was encouraged to start a blog in order to share some of my favourite recipes. I wasn’t sure if it was something that I would keep up with, but now I love sitting down at the end of the day and writing!

How did you decide on your blog name? My dad has always called me “George” instead of Georgina or Gina. I also tend to devour food wherever I go. Seriously. I have to remember to breathe! So, when I was trying to come up with a name, “Gorging George” happened to pop in my head and it stuck.

What do you blog about? I blog about recipes that I have tried and maybe tweaked a bit or something new I created. Most recipes are from meals we have shared with people, and they have asked how it was made – now it’s just simple to say “check the blog” instead of writing out individual recipes. Although every post on Gorging George is a recipe, I do tend to over-share about things that are currently going on in my life; which is why I started a new blog - Life of George (you can click on the link in the blog)  - where I can spend more time gabbing about general life stuff.

What post are you most proud of and why? I think it’s a combination of the two posts I wrote after traveling to Nova Scotia for the first time. The recipes aren’t over the top or anything creative (I mean, one is simply how to cook a lobster), but I love that they were ones shared by family members, and are now documented on the site. Plus, I enjoy reading the posts again from time-to-time when I am longing to travel back to the East Coast.

Most Proud Of

Which post do you wish received more love and why? The post for Stone Fruit Galette. It was my first attempt at gluten free baking, and I thought it would be something that other people who are gluten free would be interested in … but it’s barely gotten any hits. And it’s so delicious!

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Wish it Got More Love

Which post’s success surprised you and why? The post for Red Wine & Garlic Steamed Mussels consistently gets the most hits. I think this surprises me because it’s such a simple recipe, that I almost felt guilty when I first shared it … I figured everyone knew how to steam up some mussels with wine; but I found out that lots of people search for this method daily.

Surprised by Success

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without? My iPhone

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without? I definitely couldn’t live without a good chef’s knife, is that considered a gadget? If not, then it would be my Breville blender. That thing is a non-stop machine used nearly daily in our home.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe? Hands down it’s pork. I think I would possibly die a little if someone told me I had to stop eating it. And if you really want to make me swoon? Put that pork in a taco. With spicy pepitas, even.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? I am short – which makes taking photos of my food somewhat challenging at times … I am usually caught standing on chairs or counters in order to get a good shot. I am completely obsessed with The Walking Dead & Game of Thrones. Oh, and if I could eat gluten, I would probably be eating a bucket of fried chicken while I type this; total guilty pleasure.

What makes your blog unique? Ha, I hate to admit this, but I’m not sure there’s really anything that sets it apart from other food blogs! It’s really just a fun place to share recipes and stories, and maybe even poke fun at myself and my mistakes from time-to-time. However, unlike most blogs, Gorging George has been gluten free for nearly 1 year.

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Lanie Elliott

Hi Gina a.k.a. George:
What a great idea, can’t wait to try some of these.
By the way I am Ian’s 1st cousin – his Dad (Pat) and my Mom (Mary) were brother and sister.
Hope you have lots of fun with this. Oh, and I absolutely love your dog. Is that your little guy that Kelsey is holding?

Krista Johnson

Have followed her facebook foodie posts and just discovered her Gorging George page for recipes!!! Yes!!
This gal is picky, particular and you meet her know she is that easy sort of perfectionist that is the essential character trait needed in the kitchen – rules are followed but expermentation is the rule 🙂 Atta girl!

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