
brought to you by Arla Foods

Name: Diana Chan

Blog name and URL:  Foodology

Where were you born? Vancouver, BC

Where are you living now? Vancouver, BC

Why did you start your blog?

In August of 2010, my friend got accepted into medical school and we wanted a way to stay in touch, so we created Foodology to share our food adventures about West and East Coast restaurants. We both love eating food and eat out quite frequently, so we thought it was the perfect topic. Plus, Vancouver is home to a lot of unique and diverse cuisines.

Since then, the direction of the blog has changed and mainly focuses on local restaurant reviews and fast food. I actually didn’t know how many other food blogs were out there when I started the blog, but I was pleasantly surprised! Vancouverites really love their food!

How did you decide on your blog name?

We both love food and biology, so we combined the two to become Foodology. Since we thought it was a crazy good name, we looked up the domain and it was available. Ever since then, it stuck.

What do you blog about?

I blog about my meals at restaurants in Vancouver and on my travels. Occasionally, I blog about events, fast food, and processed food.

What post are you most proud of and why?

I would have to say my 1000th blog post about my favorite place to eat. Ironically, this place was my own kitchen. Everyone was expecting a really yummy restaurant, but it felt right to play homage to my own kitchen.


Which post do you wish received more love and why?

I wrote a post about eating raw octopus in South Korea. I was really excited to try this out and even more excited to share my experiences. I think it may have grossed people out.

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

I wrote about Chipotle and the traffic was crazy! I thought it was quite funny how we Canadians really love American fast food chains.

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What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?

My Macbook Air! It’s small and portable and without it, I wouldn’t be able to write any blog posts. It comes very handy on vacation as well since it fits perfectly in my bag.

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without?

Chopsticks! Someone else can make the food and I can eat with my chopstick. It’s like the all in one utensil.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe or restaurant choice?

My favorite restaurant right now is Sushi K Kamizato in Port Coquitlam. It’s quite a drive from the city, but they have killer sushi. It’s a mom and pop restaurant that serves amazing sashimi and specialty rolls.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

A lot of people get surprised when I say I work for a financial institution. It’s not really food related, but I love the balance where I can work hard during the day and then spend my night eating and blogging about food.

I also have a huge love for fast food. As much as I love trying a new restaurant in town, I find great satisfaction eating a Big Mac or finding the newest fast food creation.

What makes your blog unique?

I don’t think anything in particular makes my blog unique. I don’t write for any particular audience, but more for my future self because I tend to forget what I’ve eaten. This is kind of what happens after dining at over 1000 restaurants.

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