FBC Featured Member: Girl Heart Food | Food Bloggers of Canada

Name: Dawn Coombs

Blog name: Girl Heart Food

Where were you born?  Upper Island Cove, Newfoundland.  It’s a small, rural community.

Where are you living now? St. John’s, NL

Why did you start your blog?

I LOVE to cook!!  I was always creating recipes, arranging plates and taking pictures.  I started a Twitter account and shared photos on there; then, I thought ‘why not start a blog?’  I bit the bullet and there’s no looking back!  I love it!  But, you know one of my favourite things about blogging besides cooking and sharing recipes?  Getting to meet so many wonderful food bloggers; I’ve made some lifelong friendships from blogging.

How did you decide on your blog name?

Girl Heart Food was originally just my Twitter account; it came from the simple fact of a girl that loves food, lol.  It kind of became part of my identity and I thought, well, that would be an awesome blog name and the rest is history!

What do you blog about?

My blog has a variety of recipes, all the way from healthy to indulgent, but mostly healthy; everything in moderation, right?  I really enjoy sharing stories and experiences that happen in my everyday life.  I’m a little quirky and seriously love to make people laugh so there’s usually something funny or something that will make you smile in each post.  It’s what I do!

Is your blog your business, your hobby or something in between?

My blog started out more of a hobby, but I’m really putting a lot of effort into growing it into a business.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Girl Heart Food | Food Bloggers of Canada

It’s really hard to pick one because I feel like I put a bit of myself in every post.  Buuuuut, if I had to pick one it would probably be my Brownie Whoopie Pies with Nutella Peanut Butter Frosting.  It’s a deadly good recipe, but in the post I talk about the upcoming Christmas season, a pair of elf (yes, elf) slippers that are near and dear to my heart and basically baking up a storm.  It’s just me in everyday life.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member: Girl Heart Food | Food Bloggers of Canada

My Lemon Cream Tarts with Berries; I love lemon in pretty much anything so this dessert rocks my boat. Besides that, the main reason I wish this received more love is because in the post I talk about some neat things to do/see while visiting Newfoundland from scenic destinations to awesome local restaurants.  It’s like a mini guide!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Girl Heart Food | Food Bloggers of Canada

My Peanut Butter, Banana, Cocoa & Coffee Smoothie (that’s a mouthful, right??).  I mean, I knew that it tasted delicious, but I wasn’t expecting this one to be as popular as it has been!  It’s been Pinned over 3,500 times already - no complaints here, though!

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

Time!  I wish that there were more hours in the run of a day to get more done; there’s just way more to blogging than I ever imagined and SO much to learn.  Though, I’m not complaining; I love learning new things!

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

Do not compare yourself to others!  I know, I know.  It’s super hard not to, but everyone has their own style.  Some people blog part time, others full time.  Some people have been blogging for 6 months, others for 5 years.  It’s easy to compare, but you should never do that.  Stay true to you, your own style and everything will fall into place; you’ll be much happier too.  As they say, you do you.

RELATED:  Featured Foodie: Jo and Sue

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them?

Oh my goodness!  There are so many talented bloggers out there!  Let me see…I really enjoy reading Ciao Chow Bambina.  Annie has such a poetic writing style and her recipes are delicious!  I’ve tried her Blueberry Almond Biscotti and it’s a winner (especially when dunked in coffee).

Another favourite blog of mine is Tasty Ever After.  Karrie is funny, a little dry and always entertaining!  Her Boozy Triple Chocolate Pudding is a favourite in our home.

Just because two is not quite enough – another blog I love to read to The Unlikely Baker.  Jolina always has so many delicious desserts (and sometimes a savoury recipe in the mix); a recent recipe of hers makes me want to grab a piece right through my screen – Crepe Cake with Whipped Chocolate Mascarpone Filling.  Sounds good, right?

Favourite food - care to share a recipe or a restaurant destination?

Geez, that is super hard.  I like so much stuff!  If I had to pick a favourite restaurant it would be this small, totally chill restaurant in downtown St. John’s, The Adelaide Oyster House.  They serve tapas and small plates and have a cool vibe.  Their fish tacos are seriously the BEST!  I think I could eat my weight in those, lol.

If I had to pick a favourite homemade food?  Hands down that would be my mother’s traditional Newfoundland turkey dinner on Christmas Day with all the fixin’s.  I look forward to that dinner every year; I eat so much that day, but it’s so worth it!

What are you working on next for your blog? 

I always have a bunch of recipes in the works in various stages of development and I’m trying to film more videos (which hubby helps me with - we’re a great team!) Coming up I have a vegan and gluten free smoothie that tastes like a creamsicle (so good).  Though I only have one traditional Newfoundland recipe on Girl Heart Food, in the fall/winter, I would love to post a recipe for traditional Newfoundland jigg’s dinner.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page? 

My hubby and I share the exact same birthday!  It’s awesome because we get to celebrate a special day together.  Plus, we’ll never forget each other’s birthday, lol.

What makes your blog unique? 

Everyone is different and I think what makes my blog unique is that my blog reflects me.  How I am on the blog, what I write about, it’s all me and all genuine.  It’s easy to write when you tell it from the heart, ya know?

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

It would be the Blogger Resources, especially the ‘Food Photography’ section!  Like I said, there’s always something new to learn blogging and any information helps!  It’s a great go-to for me!

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Dawn congratulations on you site being featured on Food Bloggers of Canada. I truly enjoyed your weekly recipes including your stories and videos. I made your No Bake GranOla Bars last week.. Everbody went crazy for them. Good thing I got one when I first made them. They are super delicious and a bonus because they are healthy as well. Keep doing what your doing. Love your site!! It’s a fabulous read.


Awesome!!! Congratulations on being featured on Food Bloggers of Canada, Dawn.
We are so proud of you. It’s really no wonder because your blog is consistently top notch. Your recipes are so delicious and healthy, elegant and accessible. Your instructions are clear and helpful. Your blogs are filled with humour and great photography. You and hubby really are a great team!! I specially loved your Teff energy bars it’s hard to just eat one and your Lentil Kale soup is so delicious!!! They’re all so good. Keep up the great work. Love it.


Congratulations, Dawn!! Such a lovely way to get to know you (even more)! Wishing we could share in this very chat over a cup of coffee!! You are so sweet for mentioning me, my friend! I feel the same about your blog, all the lovely recipes and sweet stories you share about your daily life! It’s a bright spot in my day!

Supriya Kuttty

Awesome!!! Congratulations on being featured on Food Bloggers of Canada. Following your blog dear. You are an amazing chef. Thanks a lot once again for sharing these amazing recipe with all your fans. xoxo… Much love. Best wishes and Regards.

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