La Brasserie Street Cart
Scott Graham. Photo by Erika Baker
Photo courtesy of Erika Thomas of Eye Candy Photoworks

If I told you that this week's featured blog was written by an elevator repairman who wears wooden glasses just to start conversations,  is single handedly trying to start Third Person Thursdays (#TPT) on Twitter (think Jimmy from Seinfeld), and who gets free hamburgers in A&W when he brings his own brown bag lunch in to eat, would you know who I'm talking about?

Of course you would.  It's Scott Graham from What's For Lunch BC, a favourite west coast restaurant review blog.  A self-proclaimed blue collar kinda guy, Scott's blog, like its name suggests, is full of reviews for Metro Vancouver lunch spots, both downtown and throughout the lower mainland.  From food trucks, to burger joints, to  quirky neighbourhood gems, he's not afraid to call it like he eats it either!

Mixed in with the lunch reviews you'll find some great beer and whiskey reviews as well as features on some of the finer dinner dining establishments in the lower mainland and musings on Scott's favourite things.  And who can resist a food blog that dedicates a whole series of posts to the author's bacon fueled tour of the Portland food scene?

Nimby Burger and Fries to goJust this past week, the What's For Lunch BC crew expanded!  In true Seinfeldian fashion, Scott's taken on an intern!  Rochele Potter, aka @girlygirlpotter, just published her first official intern post with a piece on The American Cheesesteak Co.  We just hope that Rochele isn't in charge of looking for an escaped chicken or contemplating any oil bladders...

You can also find Scott on twitter: @WhatsForLunchBC

RELATED:  Featured Member Blog: The Gouda Life

** editor's note: funnily enough while I was perusing old posts of Scott's for this feature, I stumbled across one for Vancouver's Bake for The Quake last April, where Scott stopped and picked up a Ryan Kesler cupcake from my tablemate, Candice from Baked in Vancouver.  And we never met!  Next time Scott.  We'll chat in the third person!

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