Vanilla Bean Baker Blog header - butterfly cookiesIf you’ve been lucky enough to receive a comment from Paula “The Vanilla Bean Baker” on your blog, what I’m about to tell you should not come as a surprise. Paula’s words are as sweet as the wonderful treats she creates on Vanilla Bean Baker. Just like her words, Paula’s cookies are carefully-crafted, lovely and worthy of seconds.

A beautifully-decorated cookie is a wonderful sight. Paula has turned school buses, a map of the United States and even perfectly manicured hands into edible pieces of art. She has even created cookies that are totally Canadian-worthy, eh?

Canada Flag Cookies and Fireworks Cookies

Paula also gives on a daily basis as she launched Frosting for the Cause on January 1, 2011. For 365 days in a row, Paula has and will continue to organize a post from a cookie and cupcake decorators and/or food bloggers across Canada and the United States. The guest posts include a story of how someone’s life has been affected by Cancer and a homemade cupcake, cookie or sweet treat recipe. Each person who volunteers to write a post also agrees to donate a batch of their goodies to their local Women’s Hospice, in addition to making a donation to either the Canadian or American Cancer Society.

Paula’s kindness is what we should all strive for in our everyday lives. As food bloggers, we have the privilege to enjoy a warm and friendly community and it is people like The Vanilla Bean Baker that makes it a reality.

Vanilla Bean Baker
Frosting for the Cause
Twitter - @VanillaBeanBake

Featured Blogs will be a regular feature on the FBC website.  If you know of a blog that deserves some love, let us know!

RELATED:  FBC Featured Member: Katerine Rollet
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I’m so excited for what is ahead for you all and Food Bloggers of Canada! Just want to express how proud and happy I am to have been selected to be featured and on your official launch date no less. Thank you. Sincere best wishes and many thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this FBC site. You have all done an outstanding job.

Renee - Kudos Kitchen

What a warm and welcoming new site. Congratulations to all the Food Bloggers of Canada. I’m excited for your launch and wish you tremendous success.
You could not have started with a better and more deserving blog (blogger) than Paula of Vanilla Bean Bake. I agree that Paula’s heart is as open and sweet as all the cookies she decorates. I am proud to call her one of my very good friends and feel blessed to have her positive and warm energy a part of my life. She is selfless and giving and in my book, someone I aspire to be like!
Best wishes again and I can’t wait to read more from the FBC!

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