FBC Featured Member Blog: The Rawtarian

Name: Laura-Jane The Rawtarian

Blog name: The Rawtarian | Simple, Satisfying Raw Food Recipes 

Where were you born? Parksville, British Columbia

Where are you living now? Montague, Prince Edward Island

Why did you start your blog?

I’ve been blogging online since 2001, and I started my Rawtarian blog in 2009 as a repository to share my best raw vegan recipe discoveries with the world. I did have a dream that someday it could take off and be a popular recipe blog.

How did you decide on your blog name?

I knew that it should have “raw” in the title, and I also wanted it to be able to be a person’s name… Hence, The Rawtarian was born! It took me all of 5 minutes to choose it.

What do you blog about?

Simple, satisfying raw food recipes

What post are you most proud of and why?

FBC Featured Member Blog: The Rawtarian

Most of my posts are recipes! I am most proud of my brownie recipe, because it is so easy, healthy and delicious that it has opened up thousands of “normal” eaters’ minds to the possibility of making delicious sweets without refined sugar, flour or dairy.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?

FBC Featured Member Blog: The Rawtarian

Everyone wants to eat healthier, but it’s common to want to be perfect and to not want to start until we are “ready.” This post, called, “What are you waiting for?” encourages readers to start where they’re at, right now with a recipe that they can make today using what they have in their kitchen. There’s no need to be perfect or go all the way. It all starts with the next bite!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

I have a super simple, tiny recipe called “Raw chocolate fudge in 1 minute,” and I am continually surprised and elated by how happy people are when they try it. It is so quick and easy you can make it in a commercial break. People love simple snacks!

RELATED:  Featured Member Blog: What's on My Plate?

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?

My internet connection! I am a total homebody who lives in a rural area. Most of my friends and my social life are inside my computer, so without it I would be lost!

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without?

My Vitamix blender! I use it daily.

Favourite food, care to share a recipe?

I love chia seed puddings. Here’s one of my favourites.

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

I don’t actually like cooking! I’d much rather be reading a book or hanging out with friends than slaving away in the kitchen. This has been one of the secrets to my success – my recipes are simple, quick and delicious so that we can all get on with the rest of life.

What makes your blog unique?

FBC Featured Member Blog: The Rawtarian

Probably the simplicity of my recipes and my ability to cut to the chase when it comes to directions. Also, my husband is an amazingly talented web developer, so I am lucky to have a blog that has lots of techy bells and whistles, like apps and a crazy search engine, which does make it different from the rest.

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