FBC Featured Member: Life Made Sweeter

Name: Kelly Kwok

Blog name: Life Made Sweeter

Where were you born? Toronto, Ontario

Where do you live now? A smaller town in Ontario

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog because I was in a little bit of a cooking rut after we had my oldest child. I was making the same rotation of dishes since it was familiar and easy.

Once my son started on solid foods, I started challenging myself more by trying new-to-me recipes and changing them up to suit our tastes. The blog was a way to keep track of all of our favourites.

How did you decide on your blog name?

I got caught with the baking bug shortly after having my oldest who also instantly made our lives sweeter once he arrived.

He was such a happy and easy-going baby and his love for food now definitely inspires many of my creations.

What do you blog about?

I share a mix of savoury and sweet recipes with a story to go along with them. I’ve started sharing more slow cooker and authentic Asian dishes I grew up making along with easy one pot meals.

What post on your blog most encapsulates you?

FBC Featured Member: Life Made Sweeter

I would say probably this post for these Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Bars. I am actually not a big dessert person except when it comes to ice cream – I could really have it all year long. The Good Humour ice cream bars were our favourite when we were growing up so I had always wanted to recreate them and it turns out they were a childhood favorite with so many readers as well.

Which post do you wish received more love and why?


FBC Featured Member: Life Made Sweeter

I’d have to say this Gluten Free Lemon Coffee Cake. I’ve been on a mostly gluten free diet ever since having my daughter so testing out gluten free desserts that taste good can still be challenging. I love anything with lemon so I was so excited when my husband and guests I served this cake to couldn’t tell it was gluten free.

Which post’s success surprised you and why?

FBC Featured Member: Life Made Sweeter

Definitely this Slow Cooker Chicken Lo Mein which has been the most popular recipe on my blog ever since I shared it.

I was so surprised because I made it on a whim one day just before heading out with my son to the mall to finish up our last minute holiday gift shopping.

It was one of my earlier blog posts when I was still learning my way around blogging and I really didn’t plan on posting the recipe at all. Then right before we had supper that night, I decided last minute to snap a few photos. Turns out it was the only slow cooker lo mein recipe at the time and people immediately responded in a positive way.

RELATED:  FBC Featured Member: Yummy Workshop

What’s your biggest challenge as a blogger?

Right now it’s finding balance and wishing I had more time. I have a four year old and an almost two year old and they are still at the age where they rely on mommy a lot. I am currently writing my first cookbook and juggling the blog so I am constantly multi-tasking and trying to fit work in while the kids are playing nicely together, napping or after they’ve gone to bed for the night.

Share a couple of your favourite food blogs to read. Why do you like them? (include URLs).

There are so many blogs to choose from but I have to say Steamy Kitchen and My Baking Addiction. They were one of the very first food blogs I read and were definitely my biggest inspirations when I started my own blog.

I also had a chance to meet Jaden from Steamy Kitchen last year at the Food Blog Forum and she is seriously just as sweet in person!

What are you working on next for your blog?

I’m working on shooting more videos for the blog and trying to finish my cookbook which will be out Fall 2016.

I am excited for this amazing and extremely humbling opportunity but it’s definitely been challenging trying to juggle all the extra recipe testing, manuscript writing and keeping up with my kids and the blog.

What part of the FBC site do you find most useful?

I love the blogger resources and the sense of community that FBC brings together.

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