Instagram Photo A Day December

We didn't really know what to expect when we announced our first Instagram Photo A Day Challenge in October.  We just thought it would be a fun way to announce to the world that we were on Instagram as FoodbloggersCA!

But our members took to it like moths to a flame and we were honestly a little surprised by how many new friendships were made and how much fun everyone had.

We may not do one every month but, December is a month that screams out loud for picture taking.  It's a feast for the eyes.  So join us as we have a whole lot of fun and see the holiday season through the eyes of FBC Members from coast to coast!

The Rules

    • follow the prompts above.
    • tag your images in the challenge with #FBCphotoaday

if you also tag with #FBCigers, we'll consider it permission to share your photo in our stream!

Have fun and we can't wait to see what you all come up with this month!

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