Cooking With Tea: 15 Tea Inspired Recipes | Food Bloggers of Canada

Every week we pull together some great recipes from Canadian food bloggers around the web featuring one main ingredient.  This week, our ingredient is a reader suggestion that was tweeted to us on Twitter: tea!

Tea can add a remarkable depth of flavour to both sweet and savoury dishes and it's worth experimenting with.  And with so many types of tea, their are lots of flavour options! Here are a few recipes to get started with.

Cooking With Tea: 15 Recipes To Try

By Food Bloggers of Canada

  • Matcha Cupcakes with Jasmine Buttercream

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Matcha Cupcakes with Jasmine Buttercream](** from** The Cinnamon Scrolls**.

  • Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies](** from **The Busy Baker**.

  • Poached Pears in Earl Grey Tea

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Poached Pears in Earl Grey Tea](** from **Beth Dunham**.

  • Vanilla Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Vanilla Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies](** from **Cocoa Bean the Vegetable**.

  • Matcha Green Tea Muffins

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Matcha Green Tea Muffins With Chia Seeds](** from **The Spicy Eggplant**.

  • Earl Grey Icebox Cookies

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Earl Grey Icebox Cookies](** by **Crumb Blog**.

  • Earl Grey Tea Cake

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Earl Grey Tea Cake](** from **A Pretty Life**.

  • Vanilla Ice Wine Tea Cookies

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Vanilla Ice Wine Tea Cookies](** from **The Finer Cookie**.

  • Coconut Crème Brûlée

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Coconut Crème Brûlée](** from **Bon Appet'Ea**t.

  • Baked Rhubarb and Apples with Earl Grey Tea, Cardamom & Orange Zest

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Baked Rhubarb and Apples with Earl Grey Tea, Cardamom and Orange Zest](** from **The Taste Space**.

  • Heart to Heart Matcha Brownies

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Heart to Heart Matcha Brownies](** from **Dish n the Kitchen**.

  • Chai Tea Latte Ice Cream

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Chai Tea Latte Ice Cream](** from **Jo and Sue**.

  • Gazpacho with Lapsang Souchong

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Gazpacho with Lapsang Souchong](** from** Super Kitchen Machine**.

  • Earl Grey Orange Truffles

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Earl Grey Orange Truffles](** from **Tiny Sweet Tooth**.

  • Raw Chocolate Matcha Macaroons

    By Food Bloggers of Canada

    **[Raw Chocolate Matcha Macaroons](** from **The Cup of Life**.

RELATED:  Sweet-Tart! 15 Lemon Dessert Recipes

A big thank you to all our FBC Members who participated in this weekend's tea recipe roundup.

If you're an FBC Member and would like to submit to future weekend link roundups, join our FBC Facebook shares and links forum.

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