Welcome to On Board in 20: a recipe series where we share wholesome, family-style meals you can prepare in about 20 minutes. The recipes always contain whole food ingredients and are intended to be brought to the table for family members to build and construct their individual plates as their senses guide them. Along the way, we bring you tips and tricks for speeding up prep and clean up for those busy weeknight meal times.

On Board In 20: Breakfast For Dinner | Food Bloggers of Canada

We're big fans of breakfast for dinner in our house. Eggs cook so quickly, are a perfect protein and when slathered on toast with a little avocado or tomato we can have a hearty, healthy dinner on the table in record time. This particular spread has been a board I've been excited to share here for awhile. It really embodies the perfect On Board in 20 meal: simple, but visually intriguing.

On Board in 20: Breakfast (for Dinner) Board

There's a good chance you have most of these ingredients in your pantry already: eggs, bread and veg. If you don't have a baguette, use regular bread. No tomatoes? Add cucumber or red bell pepper. No yogourt? Try sour cream or whipped cream cheese. The dukkah is definitely something you'll want to save for a later day. Dukkah is an Egyptian spice blend made from toasted nuts and seeds. It can really be personalized by playing with the additional seasonings. It's so simple to make and stores well in a glass, airtight jar in the fridge to be sprinkled on meats, salads or soups. Be sure to use toasted nuts and experiment with different kinds.

On Board in 20: Breakfast (for Dinner) Board

This board is so easily customized to individual taste preferences. If you feel the dukkah may be too intimidating for smaller eaters at your table, pop the egg into an egg cup, slice the lid off and let them use the baguette and asparagus as dunking soldiers. Not only will you save time peeling the eggs, but it may make for a more enjoyable dinner time. Although, I would encourage even the fussiest of eaters – big or small – to just dip their finger in the dukkah; it may surprise them! And while the focus of this column is on dinners, this board would make a beautiful, quick and easy make-ahead brunch for company.

On Board in 20: Breakfast (for Dinner) Board

As the September nights get longer and busier, tuck this board (or try one of these others) in your back pocket for a beautiful, flavourful dinner you can have on the table in about 20 minutes.

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On Board in 20: Eggs and Toast Breakfast Board
  • 1 baguette
  • 6 to 8 eggs
  • ¾ cup of toasted almonds
  • 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds (white or black)
  • ¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of saffron (optional)
  • pinch of ground ginger
  • 1 cup plain, full fat Greek yogourt
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of olive oil, divided
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 12 cherry tomatoes on the vine
  • 8 to 12 thin slices of ham or prosciutto
  • Optional: pea shoots for garnish
RELATED:  On Board in 20: Baked Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes
  1. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil (to speed up this process, boil your kettle and pour the boiling water into a hot pot; use caution, it will splatter) and heat a heavy cast iron grill pan over medium-high heat. (Alternative is to use the broiler feature in your oven.)
  2. Slice baguette into 1 inch pieces and lightly drizzle with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Place on the preheated grill pan and turn occasionally until toasted.
  3. Once the water is boiling, slowly place the eggs in and set the timer for 7 minutes.
  4. While the eggs are cooking, place the almonds, seeds and spices all into a food processor and pulse until finely ground, but still with some texture. Pour onto a small plate and set aside.
  5. When the eggs are done, spoon them into a bowl of ice water (or simply into a bowl in the sink and run the cold water). Ensure NOT to dump the egg water. Put the pot back on the stove and drop the asparagus in for two minutes (I recommend setting the timer). During this time, arrange the tomatoes, avocado & meat on the board. By now the bread should be toasted enough to also place on the board.
  6. Peel the eggs and role them in the dukkah. Place on the board and sprinkle with excess dukkah. Garnish with fresh pea sprouts.

Looking for More 20-Minute Meal Ideas?

Lisa Bolton is the creator, writer and photographer behind Food Well Said, her blog about bringing thoughtfully prepared, whole food recipes. She lives in the Lower Mainland of BC and you can reach her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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