Cooking with Coconut Oil - Elizabeth Nyland

Cooking With Coconut Oil is the first cookbook by FBC Member Elizabeth Nyland of Guilty Kitchen.

From the publisher:

"People everywhere are waking up to the extraordinary health benefits of coconut oil. Rejoice, then, in more than 75 mouthwatering, gluten-free, grain-free coconut oil and coconut flour recipes paired with beautiful photographs.

Why coconut?  Sales of coconut oil are skyrocketing as health-conscious people everywhere are embracing the health benefits of this wonder food.

Coconut oil has been shown to:

  • Lower bad cholesterol
  • Boost thyroid function 
  • Burn abdominal fat, and  
  • Boost energy and endurance.  

Its sister product, coconut flour, is:

  • Gluten-free 
  • High in fiber and protein, and  
  • A great wheat substitute.  

Rejoice, then, in more than 75 mouthwatering coconut oil and coconut flour recipes paired with beautiful photographs. Every dish is gluten-free, grain-free, and uses fat-busting, superfood-worthy coconut oil. Here are dishes such as High-Protein Lemon-Poppyseed Muffins, Cauliflower-Crusted Pizza, and Slow Cooker Pork Roast. They are fresh, tasty, and above all, great for you on so many levels

We're very excited that Elizabeth has generously given us a copy to give away to one lucky reader.  (you must be a Canadian resident to win).  To enter, leave a comment below telling us why you'd like to win a copy.

For a second entry you can tweet "I just entered to win a copy of Cooking with Coconut Oil on @foodbloggersca:  ". Come back here and leave a second comment letting us know you tweeted.

Contest closes Friday, January 17th at 9pm pacific time.

If you want to learn more about Elizabeth, check out our profile on her!

RELATED:  Win a copy of The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook

Good luck!

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Trina Gallop

As someone who can’t eat gluten, this book REALLY appeals to me – I am always looking for new recipes. And I love coconut oil. We have it in the house for a number of different reasons but I often forget to use it for cooking (how strange is that!). Would love a chance to go through the recipes in this book!


Oh I love coconut oil! I’d love to know some new ways of using it, particularly for baking. Right now I used it for popping popcorn and it adds SUCH delicious flavour.


because I have heard so many great things about coconut oil, and have absolutely no idea how to use it!

Sylvia Cole

My mother-in-law has started to eat gluten-free and it’d be great to have some gluten-free recipes to share. Also, I have a tub of coconut oil at home and I’d love some creative ideas 😉

Terri O'D

I have heard a lot pf good things about coconut oil and this would be a great way to start learning how to use it in foods


I ADORE coconut oil! In my coffee, face, hair, legs.. I once used it as sunscreen and boy did I find out quickly that it does NOT work.. although it helped soothe my sunburn afterwards! Not only that but it’s really neat to (potentially) own a cookbook written by someone local, how amazing is that!!


I’ve hear about cooking with coconut oil but have never bought it to try it. This would be a great start

Jacqueline Yau

I’m totally into cooking, I wet to culinary school but soon found my passion in baking. I would love to explore more in the culinary field and learn more about cooking with coconut oil!

Laureen Fox

I would love to have a copy of Elisabeth’s cookbook. I’m gluten free and have used coconut oil for years. This year I’ve decided to try grain free…new recipes yay!

Don (@foodieprints)

Been reading Elizabeth Nyland’s work a long time. I really enjoy her passion and talent. I’d just buy her book to have printed copies of her amazing photography.

The fact that it’s a cookbook is just bonus!

Maggie K.

I am a hug fan of coconut and I would love to learn some new ways to use it so this book would be amazing to have!

Paige Callahan

I have a ton of coconut oil and butter and would love some new ways to use them!


I would honestly love to win this because I have an excess amount of coconut oil in my house. I was given it and while I use it for a moisturizer and night time eye cream, I cant seem to find any recipes that use coconut oil. If I had an actual book with prepared meals in it, I would be more willing to cook with it!


I’ve heard good things about this cookbook, and would love to experiment with more coconut oil recipes. As a dietitian, I’m always wanting to get to know ingredients more to better advise clients 🙂

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