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Name: Jane Logan

Blog name and URL: Hungry Janey

Where were you born? Saint John, NB

Where are you living now? Saint John, NB

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog when I was expecting my first child. I had the time and the inclination to experiment in the kitchen, and I wanted a place to record it all.

How did you decide on your blog name?

Some of my close friends and my family call me Janey and, well….I’m always hungry! It just seemed like a natural fit.

What do you blog about?

I blog about preparing delicious, budget-friendly, and (mostly) healthy foods. I focus on real food that I am proud to feed to my growing family, and that fit into our modest grocery budget.

What post are you most proud of and why?
Lentil burger for FBC

Earlier this year, I created a spicy lentil burger recipe to enter the Love Your Lentils contest, sponsored by Canadian Lentils in partnership with Chef Michael Smith. I really enjoyed serving these burgers to friends and family, I was delighted to be selected as one of the Top Ten recipes!

Which post do you wish received more love and why?
Menu for FBC

I have an ongoing collaboration with a chef and dear friend, Kimberley Steele - owner of East Coast Bistro, in which we are creating a series of $40 dinner parties. We work together to plan the menu and prepare the meal, and I write a post outlining the three courses, providing recipes with photos, and giving readers a grocery list of what is required (which can be purchased for $40 or less). I have loads of fun (and learn so much) working on this project with Kim! People often talk about cutting back on their spending, but entertaining can still be done well on a budget, and I am proud to provide some inspiration to other people who are like-minded! “The $40 Dinner Party: 3 courses. 6 people. 40 dollars. No kidding!

Which post’s success surprised you and why?
seuss for FBC

My most viewed post to date was a recap of a Dr Seuss themed birthday party that I organized for one of my sons. It was a post that I almost didn’t write because it was more focused on fun ideas than recipes. I’m glad I wrote it though, as it has introduced nearly 20,000 people to Hungry Janey.

What is one (non-kitchen) gadget you can’t live without?

Truth be told, I’m not really a gadget person. I write my grocery list and menu plan on paper each week, and my favourite recipes are handwritten in a notebook. Can we call a mechanical pencil a gadget? Mechanical pencils and spiral bound notebooks keep my life organized! (I’m a stationary dork!)

What is one kitchen gadget you can’t live without?

My Kitchenaid stand mixer! I know everyone raves about how useful and versatile they are, but I am sentimental about mine too. In 2009, my husband and I built our current home. We moved in during the month of October with our sons, ages 2 and 10 months. At the same time as our move, we decided that I wouldn’t return to work after maternity leave and would stay home with our children full-time. We felt so blessed for everything that was falling into place for us, and we mutually decided to not buy each other Christmas gifts because we had everything we needed. On Christmas morning, I saw a box under the tree that I knew I hadn’t wrapped. When I opened it to find my Kitchenaid stand mixer, I told my husband that he shouldn’t have bought it. He told me that he didn’t buy it. For the last several months, he had worked hard to reach every sales incentive at his job to earn “points” to purchase this for me. It had cost him nothing out of pocket, but he worked very hard to earn it for me. I was very touched by his thoughtfulness, and I am reminded of it each time I use my mixer.

RELATED:  Featured Canadian Foodie: Love In My Oven

Favourite food, care to share a recipe?

I wouldn’t necessarily call cookies my favourite food, but this is certainly one of my favourite recipes. I make these cookies all the time and keep the dough ready in the freezer for a fun after-school treat, a quick dessert, or to serve if friends stop in. People have come to know me for these cookies, and expect them at get-togethers. I was recently very flattered to receive a comment on this post from the Six Sisters!

What else should we know about you that may or not be in your “About Me” page?

I’m a stay-at-home mom and wife to three sweet young kids and their just-as-sweet Dad. I love playing in the kitchen, trying new recipes, and entertaining at home. I love party-planning and taking the opportunity to make any occasion into a special one. I’m an avid bargain-hunter, and love scouring thrift stores and clearance racks for great finds.

What makes your blog unique?

My blog doesn’t really fit into a niche category of food blogs. I experiment with healthy ingredients, but I also love butter and sugar. I try recipes suitable for those with dietary restrictions, but I also use wheat, meat, dairy, and nuts in other recipes. I’m just a home cook who likes to try new things, who likes to prepare something special for friends and family, and who loves to share recipes and stories with readers.

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A Canadian Foodie

Wonderful to learn more about you, Janey! A food blogger from NB! Fantastic! There are not enough Maritime Food Bloggers. I cannot get enough about the food culture in that area of Canada!

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