Debra Wong, who writes our Toronto Events section for us here at Food Bloggers Canada every month (if you need to know what's going on in Toronto, ask Deb - she will definitely know!) also has a busy alter-ego as a scrapbooker, photographer, writer and baker.  She chronicles all this on Ate by Ate.  Deb's one of the busiest people we know but she always has a smile on her face!

Why "Ate by Ate"? Well she credits her boyfriend who coined the term for her.  Deb don’t scrap in the standard 12×12 format.  (Don't get her wrong - she thinks they are beautiful but she wanted something a little different).  The first scrapbook album she ever bought was an 8×8 one and it worked beautifully for Deb.  It’s the perfect size and it eliminates having to blow pictures up when she wants to do a layout with a single focal picture.  So, 8×8 combined with her passion for food = Ate by Ate! Clever, very clever Deb (and Richard!)

So yeah, Deb scrapbooks. Beautifully.  Apparently if it isn't in the scrapbook, it didn't happen. Kind of like her blog, really where she chronicles her foodie adventures around Toronto.  As well as maintaining our wonderful events calendar, Deb keeps a very comprehensive food events calendar on Ate by Ate. It's a one stop reference for anything "foodie" that's going on in the city.

But Ate by Ate is not just a wonderful resource to find out about events in the city - it's the place to go when you need to find a place to eat.  Need cupcakes? Deb's got you covered with "Cupcake Chronicles".

This picture of a piña colada cupcake from Prairie Girl Bakery made me nearly hop on the subway to go and get one when I was writing this post!

Is ice cream more your style? Well look no further than Deb's "Scream for ice cream" category.

Menchies, where this delight is from, is a 5 minute walk from my work. Danger.

How about something a little less sweet? Deb can set you on the right path to the bakery to fill your bread basket.

Ok we lied, maybe there *is* a little sweet in there as well... Mmmm!

RELATED:  Featured Member Blog: Sometimes I "Veg"

But seriously, if you are craving savoury, like, say sushi, Deb knows all the right places to go in the city.  Check out her Sushi Bar!

And let's not forget vegetarians - Deb's written a huge section of good Veggie Eats.

But Deb doesn't just take great shots of and cover other people's food - she is an amazing baker. I mean really....

Inside out Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies.   Yes.

You might think that Deb doesn't have time for much more than the blog and the scrapbooking. But not surprisingly, she has many other interests (Deb, we need to know your secret energy potion recipe - we think it could sell very well!).  She loves fashion, jewelry, baking, flowers and gardens, reading murder mysteries, exploring Toronto’s every nook and cranny, and having enough lip gloss to fill a cargo ship (a girl can never have enough lip gloss).  She's a huge fan of Nancy Drew books (I KNEW I liked you Deb!) and is absolutely in love with Joanne Fluke’s food murder mysteries among others.  Deb's a city girl at heart as her blog shows, and loves exploring and photographing all of Toronto’s unique neighbourhoods and enclaves.  As well as taking food photos, Deb also photographs gardens around the city as well as beautiful graffiti!  She has dreams of going to art school. Well Deb, I say with energy like you possess and that smile, the sky's the limit!

Ate by Ate: Scrapbooking and photographing sweet treats and good eats in and around Toronto, bite by bite

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