Back in December when we were working out our Editorial Calendar for the first quarter of 2012, we started looking at the next significant milestone we would hit: our 300th member!

Who would it be? When would it happen?  We had no idea! And not knowing  made it kind of exciting!

So imagine our delight when that new member notification told us it was none other than Rosie from Sweetapolita!

Sweetapolita is home to some of the loveliest, sweetest creations you will ever come across. Rosie is all about cakes - beautiful tall layer cakes, sweet cakepops (pink champagne!), delicate cupcakes, fancy cakes... all looking as delicious as they are visually stunning.  But don't take our word for it - have you seen her 8 layer asparagus cake?

Throw in some iced cookies, bars and other baked goodies, the demystification of swiss meringue buttercream along with lots of other baking tips and supplies, as well as some lovely photography and you have the ultimate blog stop for your cake decorating fix or sweet tooth!

If Rosie is new to you, (and she may just be! It's hard to believe this beautiful blog is barely over a year old!) you will definitely want to check out her most loved projects from 2011 to see some of her most inspiring creations.  Dark Chocolate & Raspberry Buttercream Cake with Ganache Drizzle anyone?

So pour yourself a cup of coffee or brew a cup of tea and lose yourself in some lovely eye candy while you meet Rosie and her family and get a peek inside her kitchen!

RELATED:  Featured member blog: Life through the kitchen window

You can also find Rosie on Twitter at @Sweetapolita and Facebook.


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