I've been a big fan of Suzie the Foodie's blog for a couple of years now. Not only does she post nearly daily (and sometimes twice in one day!) but she blogs about a variety of food-related topics - from cookbook, product  and restaurant reviews to fabulous original recipes.

We share a mutual love of President's Choice products and I have been  thoroughly enjoying her reviews of the Recipe to Riches winning dishes - it's been interesting to read what she thinks of  the packaged dishes compared to what I've thought about the recipes I have been recreating.  Suzie is also a fellow Food Network Canada contributor and I've really enjoyed reading her coverage of events in Nova Scotia.

I find it hard to believe that Suzie claims to have known nothing about food before she met her husband in Ottawa.  Suzie says she lived on perogies and boxed mac and cheese before challenging herself to figuring out the mysteries of spices and how to use pots and pans. I love Suzie's honesty when she talks about her path to becoming a foodie not being easy at all.  She claims to have been "frustrated to tears most of the time" trying to figure out what terms like "dice" and "minced" really mean.  It's true that when you first start out cooking, recipes can sometimes mean absolutely nothing.  Especially when you are Suzie and not content to make simple dishes - she is a kindred spirit in that she truly thrives on challenges in the kitchen!

Suzie believes that if she can figure out how to make food, you can too! One of the big reasons she started her blog and uses so many pictures of each step was so that her readers  can can make the dishes with her, even if only virtually.   She reassures everyone that learning about food and becoming a "Foodie" like her is not impossible if you have some basic skills and knowledge - which you can learn right there on her blog!

RELATED:  Featured Member Blog: Nutmeg Disrupted

Clearly Suzie has done a wonderful job and conquered the learning curve because her spooky bats were featured on CNN Living:

And Martha Stewart Living loved her "Mocha Custard with a Twist"

For delicious recipes and down to earth tips and tricks, Suzie is your woman 🙂

Follow her blog and follow her on Twitter.

Featured Blogs will be a regular feature on the FBC website.  If you know of a blog that deserves some love, let us know!


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Suzie the foodie

I am so honoured to be featured, what a treat! Thank you so much and it is true, if I can be a foodie, anyone can. 🙂 I began teaching myself in my mid-20s and the learning curve was steep, each step a huge hurdle but then it got easier and now food is fun. It’s worth it people! It is worth it.

Lyndsay from CHARMED

I have been a big fan of Suzie since I found her in a listing here. She has become not just an inspiration and friendly, familiar face in the blogging world, but also a source of information that I rely on. Congratulations to Suzie the Foodie for a well deserved spotlight!

A Canadian Foodie

LOVE that Suzie is so “famous” as a Canadian Blogger! Hate that she has never been on my radar – thus, the magic of this site! Can’t wait to take a look!

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